Heard at Heritage Podcast

Heard at Heritage

Heritage Podcast Network
Formerly the Heritage Events podcast. Want the inside scoop on what’s happening here at Heritage? Check out Heard at Heritage. This podcast features cutting edge analysis and thought from leading experts in and across the Conservative movement, and of course, Heritage’s premiere events and programming - brought from the heart of Washington D.C. straight to you!
The Power Hour | Cryptocurrency and Energy Use with Norbert Michel and Nicolas Anthony
The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts.  Jack welcomes the Cato Institute’s Nicolas Anthony back to the Power Hour, who is joined this time by his colleague Norbert Michel, Vice President for Cato’s Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Alternatives.  They pick up their conversation from a few months ago to dig deeper into what actually is cryptocurrency and why does the industry require so much energy.   And of course, no Power Hour episode would be complete without a complete analysis of how government could ruin something good and innovative.  You can read more from Anthony and Norbert here and here and  on a variety of issues here and following them on socials here and here.    Join the conversation with an email to  [email protected]!  Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word.  
Jun 21, 2024
48 min
The Lee Edwards Lecture in Conservative Leadership: How Reagan Won the Cold War
The Heritage Foundation’s B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies is pleased to announce that Peter Robinson, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow and former speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, will deliver the inaugural Lee Edwards Lecture in Conservative Leadership. The title of his speech is “How Ronald Reagan Won the Cold War.”The Heritage Foundation established the annual Lee Edwards Lecture in recognition of Dr. Edwards’s long service as a Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought at Heritage, during which time he wrote most of his 25 books about the leading individuals and institutions of the modern conservative movement. Dr. Edwards authored biographies of President Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley Jr., and Edwin Meese III, as well as histories of The Heritage Foundation, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), and the conservative movement. His books have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, and Polish.In addition to the many books he wrote, Dr. Edwards taught politics at the Catholic University of America for more than 30 years and was named a Distinguished Lecturer by the university. Dr. Edwards was also a co-founder of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
Jun 20, 2024
1 hr 5 min
The Power Hour | Checking in With Travis Fisher and Rachael Wilfong on the Power Hour’s Anniversary
The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. This week Jack invites old friends Travis Fisher, now the Director for Energy and Environmental Studies at the Cato Institute and Rachael Wilfong, back to the podcast to help celebrate the Power Hour’s first year in existence. You will have to listen to find out what Rachael is doing now. For our long-time listeners you will remember Travis and Rachael as our early co=hosts who helped get the Power Hour going. Join us for this episode for an entertaining mixture of energy analysis and reminiscing.  You can see more of what Travis has been up to here. Join the conversation with an email to  [email protected]! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 15, 2024
56 min
Events | On Offense for Education Freedom: A Conversation with Corey DeAngelis
Join us for the official launch of Dr. Corey DeAngelis’ new book, The Parent Revolution, in which he unapologetically argues why parents and political leaders must lean into the culture war taking place in schools. Dr. DeAngelis exposes the hypocritical elites who are content to hold other people’s children captive to poorly run government schools while sending their own children to the best private and charter schools out there. And most importantly, he equips readers with the ability to make sure the potent forces of the educational industrial complex don’t regain their footing.Dr. DeAngelis is a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children and a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He has been labeled the “school choice evangelist” and called “the most effective school choice advocate since Milton Friedman.” Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 6, 2024
1 hr 3 min
Events | Be Fruitful and Multiply: How Do Religious Beliefs Drive Marriage and Fertility Rates?
Almost every developed country suffers from a birth dearth—in which average fertility is so low that a country fails to replace its population. Some countries have taken drastic policy measures to try to reverse this trend. Policymakers in the United States, however, have just started to ponder the problem and how they might try to solve it.Though policies can surely make some difference in a country’s fertility (for both good and ill), it seems clear that religion and religious beliefs play a crucial role in both marriage and fertility rates. How should policymakers account for this?Join us for an engaging conversation with the authors of two important new books that explore the source of the current fertility crisis and what we might do to fix it. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 6, 2024
55 min
Events | Launch of Chinese Handcuffs: How China Hijacked the Environmental Agenda
Securing essential resources is a critical national security priority. This imperative fuels geostrategic competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). However, over many years, the PRC has executed a plan to reverse roles by infiltrating and dominating the “green movement” embraced by many on the political left.To dissect this challenge, The Heritage Foundation’s Davis Institute of National Security and Foreign Policy is launching the “Chinese Handcuffs” project. These symbolic handcuffs represent the U.S. environmental agenda, which dates back to the 1970s but has accelerated significantly under the Biden administration. Unfortunately, this acceleration has come at the cost of natural U.S. energy advantages and energy consumers. In the coming months, Heritage’s Chinese Handcuffs project will delve into two interconnected themes: the CCP’s calculated strategy to control “green energy” sources and the consequences of the American left’s eagerness to collaborate with China in the fight against climate change.Dr. Victoria Coates, Jack Spencer, and Erin Walsh from The Heritage Foundation, along with Landon Derentz from The Atlantic Council, will explore these project elements and China’s perilous energy developments. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 6, 2024
1 hr
Events | Securing the Border and Keeping Americans Safe: How Illegal Immigration Leads to Preventable Crime
January 2021 marked the beginning of an illegal immigration boom in the United States, which has led to a drastic increase in violent crime across the country. In many cases, the criminal aliens were present not in spite of federal, state, or local policy but because of intentional policy choices advanced by the left.Heritage’s new data visualization tool, “Border Insecurity and Lax Law Enforcement Lead to Preventable Crime,” showcases the very real harm being caused to Americans across the country by open border and soft-on-crime policies. Drawing from this tool, our program will highlight the policy choices that have led to countless preventable crimes, as well as proposed solutions to keep Americans safe. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 6, 2024
1 hr 2 min
The Power Hour | Will the U.S. and South Korean Commercial Nuclear Partnership Lead a Nuclear Renaissance with Florence Lowe-Lee
The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. This week Jack welcomes Founder and President of the Global America Business Institute (GABI), Florence Lowe-Lee to the Power Hour. Jack and Florence discuss how the decades long partnership that the U.S. has developed with South Korea on commercial nuclear energy issues yields immense strategic and economic benefits to both countries. Did you know that South Korea provided some of the most important components to America’s newest reactors or that South Korea’s commercial nuclear export business creates thousands of U.S. jobs?  You will know that and a lot more after hearing this great episode. Check out GABI’s website here to learn more about their great work. Join the conversation with an email to  [email protected]! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word.   Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 6, 2024
48 min
The Power Hour| Nuclear Power’s Past, Present and Future with Ed Davis
The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. Jack invites one of the nation’s leading experts on commercial nuclear energy, Edward Davis, to the Power Hour this week. With decades of experience in industry and government, Ed brings a unique perspective to nuclear energy policy that you won’t want to miss.  Jack and Ed cover everything from nuclear waste policy to new reactor finance to why the promise of a nuclear renaissance remains difficult to fulfil despite growing support for the technology. Join the conversation with an email to  [email protected]! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
May 28, 2024
55 min
The Power Hour | What Actually Causes Sea Levels to Rise (and Fall) with Dr. David Legates
The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. Jack talks this week Dr. David Legates, Director of Research and Education at the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, about climate change and sea levels, and you won’t believe what he has to say. Dr. Legates, who holds a Ph.D. in climatology, and brings decades of research and experience to the table, specializes in hydroclimatology/surface water hydrology—in other words, he knows his stuff. If you want to know what is really happening with climate and sea levels, you don’t want to miss this one! You can learn more about Dr. Legates and his organization here, read a recent paper he wrote on the subject here, and to really go deep on climate change, check out his recent book, Climate and Energy, The Case for Realism, here and here. Join the conversation with an email to  [email protected]! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
May 6, 2024
56 min
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