Hempsession - Entertainment, Education, News Insight with Oliver del Camino
Hempsession - Entertainment, Education, News Insight with Oliver del Camino
Oliver del Camino
via Podcasts
It’s just bad
It Could Be Beneficial...
if there weren’t so many sound effects. Often times I thought I was receiving a text message, when in fact the sound was actually on the podcast.
No More Sound Effects
The effects that they add make the podcast SO hard to hear and to focus on. I was so excited to find this but it just left me deeply disappointed. This could have been informative and helpful and instead it leaves you thinking that this type of nonsense represents the CBD, THC, and Hemp industry and community.
Kyela E
The added sound effects make this podcast impossible to actually enjoy and listen to. Would have loved to hear the facts but the corny noises and laugh tracks that are on this were really disappointing.