Hello Seven Podcast
Hello Seven Podcast
Rachel Rodgers
Hello Seven Podcast
Rachel Rodgers
Hi, I’m Rachel Rodgers: wife, mama, and CEO of an 8-figure business. I’m on a mission to help every woman I meet become a millionaire. I decided to start the Hello Seven Podcast to address one simple question: how can women make more money? On this show I’ll be talking to people just like you who decided they wanted to become millionaires and actually did it. My guests and I will share our stories of how we did it, mistakes we made and the pivotal moment that changed everything. We’ll also be answering your questions, coaching you and giving you a super-sized helping of inspiration to earn a whole lot more. Get ready to make some money, honey! If you enjoy GirlBoss Radio, The Goal Digger Podcast hosted by Jenna Kutcher, or Farnoosh Torabi’s So Money podcast, then you’ll love this show.
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a year ago
April 25, 2023
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