Sex Talk: Communicate honestly and openly with your son or daughter. Sex, relationships, and prevention of HIV, stds and pregnancy. Let’s normalize the sex talk and sex education with our children young teens, pre teen or smaller. Always approach the conversation with the correct language.
Feb 23, 2021
23 min

Cyber bullying is a subject that we as parents need to have a conversation with our children. The effects of cyber violence and harm that it brings to one self. I recently was faced with this very topic I had to take action immediately. Do not be afraid to have that conversation with your children. So many situations has ended in death and us as parents must take action
Feb 16, 2021
43 min

Can two individuals of the opposite sex have a genuine friendship and keep it strictly platonic?
Feb 2, 2021
24 min

Marriage is not guaranteed to live a happy ever after. Although we strive to hopefully get there. A successful marriage is a commitment from both parties. Understanding, comprising and acceptance of short comings and flaws from one another.
Jan 26, 2021
23 min

We’ve all heard of the phrase “check on your strong friends”. Well in these times I could agree with that phrase more. This past year dealing with the pandemic we’ve all suffered a lot of pain, grief and struggles. In today’s episode, I wanted to do a mental health check in just to ask. “Are you good”?
Jan 19, 2021
17 min

Domestic violence is abuse in a domestic setting such as marriage or cohabitation. This episode we are bringing awareness to domestic violence. Speak up about the violence and support those that are victims of it. Don’t stay silent!!!!
Jan 12, 2021
20 min

Splitting bills 50/50 with your spouse or partner is common. Agreeing to split 50/50 most times saves the headaches and stress of bill paying. Is it normal for couples to split the bill? Should bills be split 50/50?
Jan 5, 2021
20 min

The New year New me seems a bit of a cliche. This year has taught us the life is short and change is necessary for the better. See everyday as an opportunity to become better. Once you accept your limits go beyond them. You can always change and become a better version of yourself.
Dec 29, 2020
26 min

Infidelity is one of the toughest setbacks for a relationship to overcome. Infidelity breaks trust and causes major problems within the relationship. Can you forgive your partner if he cheated?
Dec 22, 2020
27 min

Should I date multiple people at once? Date multiple people and don’t feel guilty about it. Dating multiple people is totally fine when you are single. Although, there are pro and cons to it the main thing is being honest about it.
Dec 15, 2020
24 min
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