Held to Account Podcast

Held to Account

Held to Account
Held to Account is a podcast for small business, where we provide discuss the challenges of running a small business in Australia and provide practical solutions to real world business issues. Hosts Todd Hodkinson & Samantha Cohen use their own experiences and expertise to talk you through the Accounting and Legal minefield that is small business management.
Episode 13 - JobKeeper 2.0
Key dates and details around the second tranche of JobKeeper including the eligibility details and what is with this two teired system.
Oct 8, 2020
15 min
Episode 12 - 2020 Federal Budget Update
your quick hit summary of the budget and whats in it for individuals and small businesses.
Oct 8, 2020
25 min
Episode 11 - Tax Season, Debt Collection & update on legislative updates
Sam and Todd discuss the lay of the land for Tax Season 2020, Fair Work pay increases and the importance of keeping on top of your debtors and overall financial situation.  Also a bit of a legislative update on testamentary trusts, instant asset write off and Div7A
Jul 7, 2020
40 min
Episode 10 - Commercial Rent & Tax Planning 2020
Finally the Code of Conduct for Commercial Tenancies is passed in QLD.  Sam outlines the do's and do-not's. Todd talks tax planning 2020 and being kind to your Accountant and we explore that unusual casual worker case...
Jun 2, 2020
54 min
Episode 9 - JobKeeper details & Rental Relief...
Since the last episode we've had the announcements of both the JobKeeper package and the residential and commercial rental relief guidelines.  Todd and Sam unpack all the details and discuss some of the practical implications
May 5, 2020
55 min
Episode 8 - Coronavirus Special Update
Coronavirus is making its way through Australia, but what does that mean for small business? What are the implications of the Governments Economic Response? Todd and Sam break it all down and run through the tax measures, changes to the insolvency provisions, discuss employees and talking about how the Banks are trying to undo a decade of working towards automation.
Mar 25, 2020
55 min
Episode 7 - Business Branding
With the help of special guest and design extraordinaire Travis Farley, we ask and attempt to answer the age old question, "whats in a brand?"
Mar 2, 2020
36 min
Episode 6 - Business Structuring
We discuss the different types of structures from which a business can be run and attempt to answer the age old question.... what structure is right for you??
Feb 3, 2020
59 min
Episode 5 - Tax Planning
Todd & Sam chat about matters small business should be thinking about leading up to the end of financial year.  Tax strategies, long and short term, and methods to get to know your business better.
May 21, 2019
48 min
Episode 4 - Debt recovery; getting on the front foot
Todd & Sam discuss how a small business can get on the front foot when it comes to debt recovery, along with how cash flow management is a key ingredient to the success of any small business.
Apr 29, 2019
42 min
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