HCPLAN: Spotlight on Action Podcast

HCPLAN: Spotlight on Action

Healthcare Payment Learning and Action Network
Our Spotlight on Action podcast series highlights LAN stakeholders’ work on the ground to affect positive change in the nation’s healthcare system. Through leading alternative payment model (APM) adoption, to addressing systemic disparities in both access and quality of care, LAN stakeholders are passionate about improving the healthcare system for everyone. These are their stories from the front line of healthcare transformation.
Healthcare Resiliency – Lessons from the Front Lines, Part 3, featuring Marc Harrison, Intermountain Healthcare
Host Aparna Higgins, Senior Policy Fellow at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy and Senior Advisor to the LAN, interviews Dr. Marc Harrison, President and Chief Executive Officer of Intermountain Healthcare and LAN CEO Forum Co-chair. Marc shares his insights on the benefits of transitioning to APMs, how to advance health equity, and what COVID-19 has revealed about the nation’s healthcare system.
Sep 9, 2022
26 min
Healthcare Resiliency – Lessons from the Front Lines, Part 2, featuring Emily Brower, Trinity Health
Host Aparna Higgins, Senior Policy Fellow at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy and Senior Advisor to the LAN, interviews Emily Brower, Senior Vice President of Clinical Integration and Physician Services at Trinity Health and LAN Care Transformation Forum Co-chair. Emily shares how Trinity Health is responding to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of considering health equity in care delivery, and how APMs can support resiliency during public health emergencies.
Sep 2, 2022
34 min
Incorporating Patient and Community Voices in State-Level APM Implementation, featuring Dr. Judy Zerzan-Thul, Washington State Health Care Authority
Washington State’s Chief Medical Officer and LAN Executive Forum Co-Chair Judy Zerzan-Thul, M.D., M.P.H., joins host Aparna Higgins, senior policy fellow at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy at Duke University and senior advisor to the LAN, in this episode of Spotlight on Action. They discuss why it’s critical to incorporate patient and community voices into state-level APM implementation and how to accomplish that. Dr. Zerzan-Thul shares examples of progress and success from her experiences in Washington State and Colorado. The episode also covers the need to move from fee-for-service into more value-based payments and the biggest challenges for effective health equity initiatives.
Aug 30, 2022
29 min
Healthcare Resiliency – Lessons from the Front Lines, Part 1, featuring Will Shrank, Humana
Host Mark McClellan, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Business, Medicine, and Policy and founding Director of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy at Duke University and LAN CEO Forum Co-chair, interviews Will Shrank, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Humana, and LAN Care Transformation Forum Co-chair. In this episode, Will shares how Humana is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, eliminating barriers to telehealth, and how healthcare is evolving to address equity, access, and inclusion. This is part one of a three-part series featuring the LAN’s Executive Forum Co-chairs on lessons learned from the front lines of a public health emergency and how to apply these lessons to pave paths for health equity and payment reform.
Aug 22, 2022
31 min
Meeting Patients Where They Are: A Community-Based Approach to Overcoming Health Barriers, Featuring Dr. Andrea Gelzer and Karen Dale, AmeriHealth Caritas
Host Jeff Goldman, Director of the LAN through the MITRE-operated Health FFRDC, interviews Dr. Andrea Gelzer, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for AmeriHealth Caritas, and Karen Dale, Market President of AmeriHealth Caritas District of Columbia. In this episode, they share how their organization is responding to issues of equity and access while promoting value-based payment initiatives to improve outcomes.
Aug 5, 2022
45 min
Aligning Healthcare Value with the Nation’s Values, Featuring Frederick Isasi, Families USA
Host Aparna Higgins, LAN Senior Advisor and a Senior Policy Fellow at the Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy, interviews Frederick Isasi, Executive Director at Families USA, one of the nation’s leading nonpartisan nonprofit healthcare advocacy organizations. In this episode, Aparna and Frederick take a deep dive into health equity and discuss creating solutions to reduce disparities in the U.S. healthcare system through APMs and value-based payments.
Jun 30, 2022
33 min