Have a Good Night Court Podcast

Have a Good Night Court

The Jerk Practice
The Jerks are taking in one case at a time...
Case 39 - Is a battery full of wires? / "Mac and Quon Le: No Reservations"
Please note that this episode was recorded before life took a dump on a broken toilet with a garbage bag over it and took from us Harry Anderson at an age that was too young. And while life has gotten a little busy for the Night Weirdos we will continue on with our quest to honor and watch the entire run of Night Court, and of course we will soon be compiling an homage to the great Judge Harold T. Stone (AKA Keiser Harry, AKA a truly gifted and funny man)… But for now, enjoy as the NW’s discuss Dumb Bull, windy catchers’ mitts, and grape Kool-Aid karate stuff?.. If you like what you heard and want to hear more go back and check out our other episodes, and start watching Night Court along side us as we continue our journey. We also have our pod, Jerk Practice, and can be found at https://www.facebook.com/jerkpracticepod/ “Is it a conductant?” #RIPTOPBANANA
May 5, 2018
1 hr 11 min
Case 38 – Naked Mile Night Court / “Dad’s First Date”
Listen to this one you stinker! Tony Danza’s mom is the same age as him, well actually he’s older, and he’s a butler to a waitress with a celibate grandfather in an unfished basement under the carpark… If you like this episode be sure to check out previous episodes and our other podcast, Jerk Practice, on Apple Podcasts and Google Play. Also check out our Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jerkpracticepod/ Happy Easta ya Hamsteaks! “Yeah… I listened to one episode.” #JoshSarver #ExactoBlade
Apr 7, 2018
1 hr 30 min
Case 37 – Everybody’s ugly in the 80’s / “The Hostage”
Hurry up and Join Carla under that tarp! Cuz this one’s full of Bull Semen… And by semen we of course mean pig-faced 80’s people, high-hatted Harries, and swollen-necked rap artists. If you liked what you heard don’t be the 8th Man Out and miss out on our other Podcast, Jerk Practice, on Apple Podcasts and Google Play, and our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/jerkpracticepod/ - There might even be “relish on the side!” “Everybody’s ugly in the 80’s” “That’s True” #RoseanneCornerComingSoon #BlogNewhart #CriticCritique
Mar 21, 2018
1 hr 5 min
Case 36 – The Snake Dancer is a Legless Wrestler / “Hello, Goodbye”
“We laughed, we cried, it became a part of us.” The NW’s officially say goodbye to their favorite bailiff, and the jury is still out as to whether she can be replaced; whether it be by babeliff, FloHa, or DeeeUoooork (“it’s real aluminum”)… If you liked what you heard go back and check out the last two seasons. We also have a podcast, Jerk Practice, on Apple Podcast and Google Play. And, join the conversation on Facebook @jerkpracticepod “Got any cheese?” #CheeseNerds
Mar 14, 2018
1 hr 2 min
Case 35 – Sympathy for the Gimp. / “Walk, Don’t Wheel”
Throw those Chindos out the Windos! Cuz this one’s weirder than an issue of Knuckleball Magazine! Welcome to pure 80’s coke writing as the NC’s talk Bull’s big sandwich, ahwooga horns, and why Monster Squads are horny for Monster Rods… Make sure to check out our other pod Jerk Practice and our Facebook page @jerkpracticepodcast. See ya for season three when we might finally flesh out why Timothy Busfield would make a good Dracula. “I’ll be having tacos in the park with Fritz Mondale.” #BrainDisabled
Feb 23, 2018
1 hr 25 min
Case 34 – The “Spit”Mopper Thesis. / “World War III”
Put down those soup beans and pickled Chechnyan eggs and figure out “who’s broad is dingier;” Yakov’s rehashed wife or the pica suffering muscle-tuff… If you like the pod please rate us and write a little review, also check out our other pod, Jerk Practice, on Apple Podcasts and Google Play. Please join us at https://www.facebook.com/jerkpracticepod/ to see Prince’s boots, and Bull’s beans. “If you whistle, a gypsy dies.” #SchwarzeneggerWilliams
Feb 16, 2018
1 hr 11 min
Case 33 – We’re the Star Wars Kid of Podcasts / “Mac and Quon Le: Together Again”
Let the NW’s show you why they are not only the Star Wars Kid of podcasts, but also the Watermelon Diet of online radio, the “guys” who keep the can of beans on the voice-stove, and the #SelmaSpoilers in more ways than one… “But instead of a lightsaber it’s a dick.” #DickRobe #KidBooze
Feb 3, 2018
1 hr 26 min
Case 32 – We’re back and our name is Gary. / “Married Alive”
Listen in as the Gallows-Gang discuss what it means to be kissed by the Chin-Gods, chip away at one’s self-earned calcium deposits, and what it feels like to discover that you’ve been reading erotic fan fiction about your parents the whole time! If you like the pod please check out other eps, give us a review, and share on the social-meeds. We also have our Mother-Pod, “Jerk Practice,” available on Apple Podcasts and Google Play – discuss the pods on https://www.facebook.com/jerkpracticepod/ “Didn’t he kick him in the shins, and also call him queer?” #CoachCast #HeiressBueller #KarmaAndGregPod
Jan 18, 2018
1 hr 11 min
Bon(er)us Case - "Night Thrust"
It's a special sexy treat as the Night Weirdos perform a little erotic fan fiction courtesy of their nasty aunt Bouchet (with a little spice from our own DA Ash). Guilty as charged, Shhhhh...... Also check out our other pod Jerk Practice, for a whole new year of cream-filled episodes.
Jan 17, 2018
12 min
Case 31 – “Atlas Sucked” / “Billie’s Valentine”
Load up on some sodium pentothal giggle drops gang! Cuz this week the Night Weirdos are “waitin’ for their kids to die,” and reviewing porn with Rex Rod… We’re talkin’ “the Shawskank Redemption,” “Fuckleberry Hinn,” and “A Dead Man’s Stocking” … Please check out our other podcast, “Jerk Practice” on Apple Podcasts and Google Play, our Facebook @jerkpracticepod, and our blog at jerkpractice.com – You can order sweet merch with our original logo done up by none other than the amazing Henning K at Society6.com “Mom if you loved me, you’d buy me these edible panties.” #DanFeeldong
Dec 19, 2017
1 hr 5 min
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