An audio diary- a personal health journey- with over forties health Podcast

An audio diary- a personal health journey- with over forties health

Hannah Boyce
Now, these podcasts episodes that the host over forties health is recording, is her own personal 'thoughts' on the go, after going through gynaecological surgery, such an intense time for her just before the pandemic crisis hit, and just as one has written journals, she thought it would be interesting to make an audio diary of her personal health journey, that others can benefit from. More importantly, the purpose of these podcast is to enlighten & educate other women, who has gone through a gynaecological surgery or who maybe considering going through a gynaecological surgery, to what life can be like after a intense health situation.
Managing a home after a health situation with bonus material too of meditation Episode two hundred and twenty eight)
Buenos dias mi familla, mi amigos amigas to date, como te sientas hoy? muy bien gracias y tu? overforties says here little quirky self to date.Moreover, overforties tried to come in timely and provide at least one podcast a month although it has been a challenge to manage home lie for her self to date this podcast will enlighten one how things can be and if you stick around to andtill the end you may get a little surprise of a bonus meditation which you can join in or do at your leisure with overforties health as she has found this practice super useful to date and helps with and in her daily life to date, this podcast will ofer you some practical tips on managing a home tips on how to stay calm and it is mostly a general chitchat with a bit of story telling too rom the host overforties health to date too.Also, this podcast is just over thirty minutes long, and and overforties health shares some useful tips from a meditation set she got back in 2021 and she thought it can and would be useful to one whether they are going through a health situation or had a health situation to date to learn to be mindful in all ways and it was and is a bit of fun with the host to play and do some gaming over the air she thought (smiles to self).Lastly, overforties health mostly has come in on the go for this podcast so have not used any factual information to date from this podcast but has quoted  from Netflix and watched a number of series and films to date one of which is a daily dose of sunshine which a and is a fantastic watch to date for one if they have this service to date. In conclusion, overforties will be working on more content creation shortly but as her podcast suggest one will notice that managing a home can be tricky especially after a health situation cause one is that much more mindful for the things they can do and the lifting as well to date.All in all if you wish to connect to the host although has not been present much on social media but she has a you tube channel which she will be building up slowly and her name online across the board on twitter is overforties health, she is on twitter, linked in and has a website to date but will hopefully be building her online brand in the near future, if you like the sound of this host stick with her and her journey after a health situation, and she signs of and says bye for now, adios, hasta luego, (smiles to self)....'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Dec 23, 2023
30 min
Haunted message after a health situation (Episode two hundred twenty seven)
Now, this episode was made especially for hallloween in a sense, derived from an idea came up with from Miss overforties health to date, one has hidden secrets in their psyche and self to date so she would and thought it would have been nice to share one of the and those not so nice memories, this maybe a little scary, tricky but it is nice to share things and clear ones psyche to to lead and live and an nice healthy life to some date too.alsoAlso, this short clip podcast message has a ew minor mistakes in it, which obey and go follow the format o one when they see a movie and outtakes which may not have been a good take, one can make mistakes in life and overforties health thought it would be nice to share some of those mistakes too, for ones listeners ears to see how production and technology processes can sometimes be, maybe a little hullarious to date, but it shows ones that mistakes do happen to in life.Moreover, overforites health made reference to and took the sound track from an artist named and linked below, rom upp going to this website upp beat to date, link below and reference below too. Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: MZRQJDCKOAFLXIETNow, overforties health wants to thank the artist from upp beat music for the soundtrack this sure adds flavour to the podcast she considers to date, (smiles to self) chuclkes in her home studio to date too, and hopes listerners enjoy the podcast message to date and the fall events if celebrated too. Lastly, overforties health would like to invite one if they would like to connect to her on the common social channels she is on linked in to date currently will be updating her website soon too, she is in and on twitter too, and she has a you tube channel but more content will folow as she and as soon as she is able too, bare and please bare with this young lady to date, however hope one enjoys the show, and thank one for their continued support and listeners ears to date, this is greatly appreciated too, and she made reference to netflix shows to date as well in this podcast shows, and thanks netflix for their services to date as well.'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Nov 6, 2023
14 min
Newsflash with overforties health after a health situation (episode 226)
Now, good morning buenos dias mi familla mi amigos amigas one from across the globe, this podcast episode is highlighting some facts and information about my healthy living to date as overforties writing this piece for you one and lovely people who tune into this show to date.Moreover, in this episode you can expect to find a track like one is listening to a news report daily but on a podcast to date, and it has a similar feel to it but with a twist, as sometimes one can have a backstage talk like in a movie overforties thought this would be a good idea to date to have on a podcats too, so hope you one who listens to this show enjoys it, can be enjoyed by one and loved ones, find some encouragement to date or even inspiration too, thank you one for tuning in and downloading this podcast to date.In addition, overforties health mentions the recent book she read which brought her great joy, laughter, tears of happiness to date, and was some what comforting in some area too, but a great little read and if one wants to know more they can check the book out on the works store if in th United Kingdom (UK) or online too I Overforties health imagine to date more prominently too, the book is called positively wealth by Emma Mumford, and the website is as follows, and her handle on social media platforms Overforties health imagines is as follows @iamemmamumford as well as this writer, life coach you tuber has a podcast called Queens' badass podcast to date, as mentioned on her book positively wealthy, this book will not disappoint says over forties health, (you can take her word if you wish on this point, chuckles to self). All in all, the soundtrack comes from the website and service upp beat, and upp beat is a service for one who likes content creation to date, the track is called breaking intro news soundroll to date, and can be found in this service to use on ones projects to date too. Also, the host overforties health makes reference to some netflix finds one in particular called extraordinary attony woo, it is currently on the netflix service to date as mentioned in this podcast episode and it is a series considering a watch to date, well made overforties health would say, (chuckles to self)....'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Oct 7, 2023
31 min
Patience after a health situation (August 2023 edition updated)  Episode 224
Now, this episode is called Patience after a health situation and in a world today August 2023, to date, one has to have extreme amounts of patience especially if they have gone through a surgery health situation or something in life that may be life changing to say the least.Also, in this episode you can expect to find a list of tips ideas from the host herself overforties health and more importantly, like most times in over forties health podcast episodes to date, a bit of experience sharing from the host to date, with health well being, mental health habits and behaviours too and a bit of physical health talk and chats too. Also, the host has used a sound track from the music service upp beat to date and it is a clocking ticking sound for added effects and to give one a feel of time is ticking away for life but also to create a dynamic effect for the podcast show to date to create some kind of emotions and feelings to date too, and the host hopes one enjoys the episode to date, and they maybe more of this nature in future, but this is generally her thoughts on the fly mostly and a scripted information introduction too, which she thought about in previous weeks whilst on a run jog in her flat to date. Lastly, there are no formal links to mental health a such but you can always check out the national careers service to date for careers if one needs careers help after their health situation or going forward if they have not had their health situation as yet and more importantly one can check out the national health service which the hosts' uses a lot being placed in the United Kingdom to date too, you should find the links on every episode to date for easier access, to the show notes so to speak. Lastly, if you would like to connect to the host please follow her on her twitter account as she goes there quite a bit but has not been on there for a while but will be going there soon once again, it is overforties health and she is also on tiktok but will be updating her tiktok account shortly too, if you or one prefers the host has a website but has not done much to date as other priorities have formed in her life to date, but will be updating her sites and socials in due course, please bear with the host and more importantly, enjoy the show, bye for now lovely people and syanara too. (smiles to self)....  Clock tense rhythmically ticking by tomas, on upp beat music website to date, code number 220031.'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Aug 23, 2023
19 min
April highlights & comeback after a health situation (Episode 221)
Now, this episode is a bit of a chitchat show where the host talks largely about things that is currently and has happened in her life to date in 2023, mostly the start of the year and up until May 2023. Also, the topics that the hosts covers in this podcast is as follows:Nutritional and healthy living discussionsHabits and behavioursHighlights including movies, book recommendations, courses and moreMoreover, the music and sound effects as well as sound track in this podcast episode April comeback, is provided by Upp beat music website and the artists and tracks is below for ones perusal.Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: EY1GUKTPGZNXODZLHeaven's gates (Short)SoundrollLastly, if one would like to connect to the artist she is on twitter and she has a you tube channel of overforties health which she is slowly building up to date. Also, across the board the host name is overforties health to date.'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Jul 1, 2023
1 hr 9 min
Third anniversary of a Myomectomy (podcast special) chitchat show Episode 211
Now this podcast episode is like a anniversary special from the time the host went through her surgery and every year to date she likes to express gratitude, a sense of a story base podcast for one, to imagine if they didn't have this type of health situation or if they have been through this type of health situation empathise and relate to this experience although every experience will be different in lie to date.Also, the sound effects and tracks as well as mood enhancers come from the website which one can sign up for free for content creation music for videos and podcasts alike, and this catalogue of music and sound effects has been good to date for the host to create suspense and feelings to her podcast shows, (smiles to self).... Lastly, the host wants to give some love and shout out to the creator of the tracks used in this podcast episode to date, first one is from Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: T3HYKUXLGGMWGC8BMounument music a track called Page, which is beautiful in the hosts' opinion, and expresses what she is trying to show gratitude in her podcast episode to date. Also the host used a couple of sound tracks to date, from, Heartbeat (Close)Joshua Chivers (whichwas the clock ticking sound)..Clock - tense rhythmical tickingTomas Herudek's website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
May 10, 2023
16 min
The worse day of my life after surgery podcast (Episode 218)
Now, in this podcast segment diary clip so to speak the host brings one on a journey, with an and a interesting sound clip file from the music service upp beat to date, the clip comes from artist named below, so feel free to check out the site if one wants royalty free music for their creations if they create or for listening too if you prefer. Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: KWVDLNE6TBOCO4CRAlso, the host wanted to bring one an update as the start of this year 2023, had been a bit of a slow and painful start mentally so to speak, so in this little diary section segment clip the host hopes one enjoys the show and can get a sense or feeling what could happen when one is trying to lead and live a fulfilling life after a health situation such as she had a Myomectomy in March 2020 to date. Also, the hosts' previous website is now a free version from supapass, so one can listen to the podcast on their but uploads will be done using her wix website when she first started her online journey coming soon to date, but the host is taking time to be fit mentally and physically to date too, more content to follow soon.'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Apr 26, 2023
17 min
Nutritional tips after a health situation & chitchat podcast (Episode 212)
Now, in this episode the host shares some of her insights into nutrition and health after a health situation and she wants to enlighten women to her recent finds as well as how it effected her after her surgery going forward. Also, she references and quotes from public health England which is where she got a large amount of her information when the host did a course called Nutrition and health last year 2022 from August till December distance learning. Besides this the course the host did and completed to date now is called Understanding health and Nutrition Level two, which she has found useful doing and completing to date distance learning style.'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Mar 18, 2023
15 min
Bowels an overview, after a health situation (episode 211)
Now this episode and the host wanted to bring you this episode on bowels as this subject although gritty, at times and maybe embarassing too, it is part of a healthy diet and nutrition going forward. Also, the host has taken some information from the national health service in the United Kingdom (UK) to talk about in this podcast episode, and this is a very large topic only an overview of some things about bowels to date, if you wish to check out the link please follow it below:'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Mar 11, 2023
11 min
Let's be real podcast episode (Episode 210) Let's talk about real life issues after a health situation
Now, this podcast episode is a follow on from the previous one, with bits and things, real life dramas, situations in life from the host, and after her health situation to date, as well as a bit of tips for ones nutritional and health needs going forward, and a women's health discussion too, on women issues to date, mensuration, bowels too. Also, the hosts enlightens one to her recent finds online too, and what she values to her health going forward. Next, what you can expect and what one can expects to find in the podcast is discussions about womens health bowels/stools (factual information) current and past real life issuesrecent finds online and in personwomens health issuesHighlights from hosts' past and present situations to dateRecommendations of movies series from Netflix to date from hostAlso, the definition of the word 'prick' comes from the google translation page and link below, Oxford dictionary.'s website link https://overfortieshealth.supapass.ioApple podcasts review link and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.
Mar 8, 2023
38 min
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