Habit Based Lifestyle
Habit Based Lifestyle
Jesse Ewell
Jesse Ewell ditched his 12 years as a gym owner, 20 year personal training career in pursuit of a new lifestyle and new career calling. Habit Based Lifestyle was created off life experience from Jesse’s years as an athlete, businessman, trainer, husband and father. Jesse recently packed up himself and his family moved from Washington state to Orange county California to inspire people to love life on their own terms. Topics range from fitness, nutrition, spirituality, marriage, kids, relationships and business. The purpose of this show is to guide you to realign with habits that get you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
EP511 Stephen Grooms Testimonial
Stephen Grooms opened his chiropractic office just a month before Covid hit. It resulted in a rough start for him, and he thought it was never going to get off the ground. Stephen’s friends and family stepped up, and through word of mouth, Stephen was able to start bringing in some business.  However, he knew to live a comfortable life, he needed more clients, which meant he needed to start marketing to a broader network. Not knowing where to start, Stephen started to get bombarded by offers from various coaches to help him.  He decided to sign up with the Habit Based Lifestyle because Jesse seemed the most authentic.  Having only been in a month, Stephen is thrilled with the results he’s seen, with a 20% increase in patient flow in just the first week. He’s now looking at reaching his 1-year goal in just 3 months. -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jul 11, 2022
11 min
EP510 Habit of Stealing Energy #2
Today we continue the discussion on how people, places, and things are stealing energy from us on a daily basis.  If you’re just now tuning in, I highly suggest going back to the previous episode to catch up.  The focus today is on food.  Yes, one of the few things we truly need for survival.  So how does food steal energy?  Things like processed foods, boxed foods, sugars, grains, and so on rob us from our energy every single day.  Tune in today to find out how you can rid your diet of harmful foods in order to level up your energy in every aspect of life.  -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jul 8, 2022
15 min
EP509 Habit Of Stealing Energy #1
How often do you let other people or other things steal your energy?  As a society, we're more distracted than we've ever been.  For most, the distraction comes in the form of their phone or social media, but it can be any number of things.  The truth that we all need to realize is that the only way we can connect with ourselves is to disconnect from negatives forms of energy.  Today I'm going to teach you how to identify toxic people in your life and how you can either move on or reconcile. -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jul 6, 2022
13 min
EP508 Maggie Berghoff – Functional Medicine Practitioner
Today on the podcast I'm joined by the incredible Maggie Berghoff.  Maggie is a functional medicine practitioner specializing in the optimization of the human body.  Together we walk through her journey of becoming a functional medicine practitioner and how Maggie transformed her health struggles into a thriving business she's passionate about.  Learn why supplements should rarely be used, the importance of environmental detox, biohacking tools and tips, and so much more.  Maggie is a wealth of information, and I'm excited for you to learn from her today.  If you'd like to find out more about Maggie, connect with her on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/maggieberghoff or on her website at http://www.maggieberghoff.com.   -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jul 4, 2022
42 min
EP507 Habit of Language
The words we use can empower us to new heights.  They can inspire us to look deep within, find our purpose, and the go out and create it.  However, if we’re not careful, language can also be destructive.  It can hold us back from achieving our dreams.  Phrases like “I don’t know” immediately shuts off the potential that lies inside.  It passes off responsibility to someone or something else.  Listen to find out how getting clear on what you want in life will help you change the way you talk to yourself in a positive way.  -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jul 1, 2022
12 min
EP506 Habit Of Environment #2
Stop for a second.  What emotions are you feeling in your current environment?  If you aren't enjoying your experience, then it's time to make a change.  On Wednesday's episode, we focused on your home.  Today we're going to primarily focus on the work environment.  For most of us, part of our work day involves driving to the office.  Did you know that a simple change in your daily drive can shift your entire day?  The same can be said about re-arranging your desk, bringing in some plants, and so on.  Listen to discover these impactful strategies and many more.  -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jun 29, 2022
11 min
EP505 Habit Of Environment
Are you aware of how your surroundings affect you?  The people, places, and things you encounter on a daily basis influence each and every one of your habits and actions.  In most cases, this is happening on a subconscious level.  The thing you need to realize is that most environments you encounter in your lives were designed by other people to stimulate and influence your behavior.  So how do you control this?  Sometimes it's as simple as removing yourself from an environment that is triggering you.  Before you can do that, you must become aware of your behavior.  Listen to find out how changing your environment can alter your life forever.   -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jun 27, 2022
13 min
EP504 Interview with Chris Burress
Today I'm joined by Chris Burress.  Chris is the founder of SES Research, one of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of Carbon Fullerenes.  Our primary focus today on the podcast is going to be a product called My Vital C which is based around the incredibly powerful antioxidant ESS 60.  Listen as Chris discusses the amazing benefits of My Vital C and offers an inside look at the testing and production process.  If you want to improve your sleep, increase energy, lower blood pressure, and live longer, this podcast is for you.    -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jun 24, 2022
45 min
EP503 Habit of Sex and Intimacy with Diana Joyce
Joining me today is Diana Joyce.  Diana is a woman of many titles.  She's a writer, a coach, a tangiera, and best of all, the white tigress.  Today, we dive deep into the transmuting of sexual energy into a creative force.  Listen to discover why masturbation for men is the single biggest crippling force when it comes to relationships, intimacy, and physical health.  Diana explains how to gain control of this power and use it to advance your life.  We also explore the difference between sex and intimacy and why one truly should not exist without the other.  This episode is a must-listen for anyone dealing with issues surrounding sex, love, intimacy, energy, and so much more. -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jun 22, 2022
38 min
EP502 Habit of Entitlement
How do you define entitled?  For me, it's about wanting something that you haven't done the work to receive.  It could be in your career, your relationship, your finances, your health, or any other aspect of your life.  This sense of entitlement was never more evident to me than in the fitness industry.  Take note:  just because you signed up for a plan doesn't mean that you're owed results.  You must show up every day and do the work.  The thing I find very odd about the whole situation is the people that feel entitled are often the one's who complain the most.  Entitled people become victims instead of victors.  Today I dive into my personal experiences with entitlement.  Listen to find out how to deal with your own entitlement as well as the entitlement that exists around you. -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.   Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com
Jun 20, 2022
15 min
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