Redemption Meditations Podcast

Redemption Meditations

Redemption Meditations
Redemption Meditations is a theological ministry of Redemption Bible Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Cessationism or Continuationism? Which is right?
Dana, Steve and Lee discuss the topic of continuationism in this episode. What are the sign gifts, and are they in operation today? What are the points of disagreement we have with aspects of the continuationist movement?Then they answer a listener question about graven images, nativity scenes, and the Second Commandment.Feel free to send questions (whether written, audio, or video) to [email protected].*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
Jun 12, 2024
1 hr 2 min
Does God Love Everyone the Same?
Dana, Steve and Lee take an entire episode to answer a listener question. Does God love unbelievers? Is it good and helpful to say "hate the sin, love the sinner"?Also, the guys briefly answer a question about altar calls and amens. Feel free to send questions (whether written, audio, or video) to [email protected].*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
Jun 7, 2024
59 min
Bishops and Deacons and Elders, Oh My!
Steve, Dana and Lee discuss the offices of the church. What difference (if any) is there between things like bishops, pastors, overseers, and the like?Also, the guys answer a great questions about parents trying to baptize their own children.Feel free to send questions (whether written, audio, or video) to [email protected].*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
May 29, 2024
59 min
What's The Right Age For Baptism?
Steve, Dana and Lee put on their thinking caps to discuss a big question when it comes to credobaptist practice. How old should you be to get baptized? What level of maturity is required in order to take on the sign of baptism?*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
May 22, 2024
56 min
The Kids are All Right | Approaches to Youth Ministry
Steve, Dana and Lee are back to discuss youth ministry and how RBC cares for their young ones! Then they answer their VERY FIRST listener submitted video question. *********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
May 16, 2024
59 min
From LCC to RBC
Dana, along with Steve and Lee, continues discussing how God has build the specific congregation that has come to be called Redemption Bible Church. This episode, along with the previous one, is a testimony to God's faithful and sovereign leading of just one church for their good and for His glory.*********************************************************************Library Ladder Links: Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem: How Religion Drove the Voyages that Led to America by Carol DelaneyRobert Chapman: Apostle of Love by Robert L. PetersonRevival Year Sermons (1859) by Charles Haddon Spurgeon*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
May 8, 2024
1 hr 6 min
How Did We Get Here? | Dana Kidder
With Steve double-booked, Dana Talks with Lee about his own theological development and journey in ministry.*********************************************************************Library Ladder Links: Fair Sunshine: Character Studies of the Scottish Covenanters by Jock PurvesR.C. Sproul: A Life by Stephen J. Nichols*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
Apr 24, 2024
1 hr 10 min
Trinitarian Doctrine Q&A
Pastor Dana Kidder, and Elders Steve Krumm and Lee Jones hold a Holy Spirit Q&A at Redemption Bible Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Apr 17, 2024
58 min
Why We Oppose Abortion
Dana, Steve, and Lee discuss the controversial (and yet also not controversial) topic of abortion. Why do we oppose it? Is it only a political issue? Should it affect how we vote?*********************************************************************Library Ladder Links: Leadership and Emotional Sabotage: Resisting the Anxiety That Will Wreck Your Family, Destroy Your Church, and Ruin the World by Joe RigneyGenesis 1-15, Volume 1 by Gordon WenhamThe Trinity: An Introduction by Scott R. Swain*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
Apr 10, 2024
1 hr 8 min
How Should We Interpret the Bible (Part 2)
Dana, Steve, and Lee continue their discussion of hermeneutics in this episode. What are indicatives, imperatives, descriptive passages, prescriptive passages. We're here to help!*********************************************************************Library Ladder Links: Family Worship by Joel BeekeBavinck: A Critical Biography by James EglintonWhat Does It Mean to Fear the Lord? by Michael Reeves*********************************************************************Website: rbcbellefontaine.comIntro Music: “Thunder” by Telecasted
Apr 3, 2024
54 min
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