Reynold is a Trini who grew up in North America for the first decade of his life before moving to Trinidad. He shares his experience growing up in the melting pot of Trinidad where the cadet program was a large part of his life. He later moved to the UK where he built a career that sometimes faced challenges of nepotism over meritocracy.
Dec 6, 2021
50 min

Chu is an AuBC, Australian Born Chinese. But he also identifies as a Malaysian Chinese. He grew up as a minority in Perth and is currently living in Singapore.
Nov 19, 2021
1 hr 21 min

Alvern is a Chinese Malaysian who has worked and lived in China and Singapore. He currently lives in Melbourne and shares his experiences growing up in Malaysia as an ethnic Chinese.
Nov 12, 2021
1 hr

Phil is from mainland China and immigrated to the US with his family in the late 80's. He shares his story of moving from Shanghai to LA and the immigrant father's role as the provider of the family.
Nov 7, 2021
45 min