A story of an archaeological dig that goes bad and only letters are left to show for it. Narrated and written by Peter NixonIntro music by Davin Creed, Story music by Peter Nixon, outro music by Heather Nixon
Mar 16, 2014
25 min

When riding the 32-a one non-descript day, the twiceling goes on a quest to rid the world of evil-eyed coots! Read and written by Henry Gaudet. Thanks to Davin Creed, and Heather Nixon for the music.
Mar 2, 2014
13 min

In the Nam jungle, the horrors of war are not the only thing to fear. A crazy man with a flame thrower really brings out the worst. And a babbling, nearly incoherent, man who speaks in rhyme is the only survivor of the attack.
Feb 16, 2014
12 min

Today's story is by Simon Rook, a Marine Corps Veteran and author. Oora! It is narrated by Henry Gaudet, the music for today's story is by Davin Creed, who also did the music for the intro. Heather Nixon did the outro music, and I (Pete Nixon) spoke into a microphone.
Feb 4, 2014
12 min

Oh the People You'll Kill, written by Aaron Lee, and read by your humble host, Pete Nixon. The music for today's story is by Davin Creed, who also did the music the intro. Heather Nixon did the outro music, and I (Pete Nixon) spoke into a microphone.
Feb 2, 2014
19 min

Pox in Knox, written by Henry Gaudet, and read by Jack and Henry Gaudet. The music for today's story is by Davin Creed, who also did the music the intro. Heather Nixon did the outro music, and I (Pete Nixon) spoke into a microphone.
Jan 5, 2014
10 min

A continuation of the story "Morton Hears a Cthulhu" by Davin Creed, who also did the music for the story and the intro. Heather Nixon did the outro music, and I (Pete Nixon) spoke into a microphone before and after the story. But more importantly, you listened. Please enjoy the final installment of Morton Hears a Cthulhu, by Davin Creed.
Dec 23, 2013
21 min

A continuation of the story "Morton Hears a Cthulhu" by Davin Creed, who also did the music for the story and the intro. Heather Nixon did the outro music, and I (Pete Nixon) spoke into a microphone before and after the story. But more importantly, you listened.
Dec 14, 2013
19 min

Green Eggs and Horror Episode 4 - Morton Hears a CthulhuDo you ever hear voices that aren't there? Things that may or may not be real and no other person can corroborate? Yeah, Morton does too. Thanks to Davin Creed for narrating his own story and producing the music. And thanks to Heather Nixon for the outro music.
Nov 24, 2013
17 min

Green Eggs and Horror episode 3 Zooks P.O.W. by Billy Vincent, narrated by Davin Creed.This story of intrigue will leave you butter-side upside-down. Thanks to Davin Creed for narrating this story, producing the music for the intro, and the soundtrack for Zooks P.O.W. Thanks to Heather Nixon who wrote and produced the outro music.
Nov 10, 2013
20 min
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