Green Architects' Lounge
Green Architects' Lounge
Chris Briley and Phil Kaplan
via Podcasts
Great resource for anyone interested in Green building and building science
I discovered this podcast several years ago and I love it. They were on hiatus until recently and I was super excited to see that they’re back! I like their humor and inclusion of drink recipes which make their show fun.
Architecture Dream
This is a great podcast to use as a resource for any of those looking to play in this space. They are funny and bring humor into something that could be a dry topic.
Very Informative with a Fun Twist
I'll start by saying my background is not in architecture, however I LOVE processy, industry, discussions, especially in a casual & fun format. Chris & Phil really deliver on their stated mission “like going to a bar with architects in a forum session…” A very valuable show to anyone in the industry looking to stay current in their feild in a fun way:)
Story Spectacular
Fan of the Show
This is a great podcast with two funny guys, if you're even remotely interested in architecture or design. Great to hear your voice after all these years, Chris!
JH in San Francisco
Best Green Building Podcast Evah!
Seriously good stuff. These guys typically take on topics that are the industry's challenge de jour with wit, class, and charisma. I've even adopted one of their cocktail recipes from the lastest live recording at the passivhausMAINE (phME) annual conference, Fall Forum 2018. Keep it up!