Grand Teton Misc. Content Podcast

Grand Teton Misc. Content

National Park Service
A diverse collection of videos, slide-shows, and podcasts outlining a multitude of topics that relate to the Grand Teton National Park
What the Glaciers Carved
An info-packed slideshow that gives an outline of glacial activity in the Teton Range. The slideshow details the categories of geological features left behind by glaciers, and informs viewers where they can find examples of those features in the park.
Jul 5, 2013
2 min
NPS Spring Break Academy
An extensive overview of the NPS Academy program with several interviews from candidates, interns, mentors, and NPS leaders.
Jul 5, 2013
5 min
Who Goes There?
A kids-oriented slideshow which gives information about several kinds of wildlife tracks commonly found in the Grand Teton National Park.
Jul 5, 2013
3 min
Jackson Hole: Crossroads of the Fur Trade
An info-packed slideshow that gives a historically focused tour of the Grand Teton National Park, especially the area known as 'Jackson Hole'. Quotations from the journals of early explorers are included; the viewer is encouraged to use the pause button to stay caught-up.
Jul 5, 2013
2 min
Mountain Images: Photographing Grand Teton National Park with William Henry Jackson
A unique mixture of conservation history, landscape photography, photography advice, and biography in the form of a slide show about photography in the Teton Range. Use of the pause button is encouraged.
Jul 5, 2013
2 min
Living With Wildlife
A visually stunning, informative video geared towards preparing visitors of the Grand Teton National Park for encountering wildlife. The video outlines safe distances and appropriate behaviors for wildlife encounters.
Jul 5, 2013
7 min
Geology Animation
A chronological animation of seismic/tectonic activity that shaped The Grand Teton National Park.
Jul 5, 2013
1 min