GRACEOLOGIE with Gwen Smith
GRACEOLOGIE with Gwen Smith
Gwen Smith
via Podcasts
Graceologie is so enjoyable.♥️
I’ve been listening off and on for about a year. I started listening again about a week ago. How could I have forgotten about this wonderful podcast, it’s so good w/ phenomenal guests. Gwen, I love your podcast. Josie
Josie Mijares
I love this!!
I love to hear you and your guests pray over us listeners. I feel so lifted as I listen to it. Thank you for your podcast ❤️
This is AMAZING!!!
I listen to her when I wake up and get a shower and get dressed, and starting my day off with this (after praying) and it just puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day. She list scripture and some of the books she has featured on here, I have bought and read and they helped my life tremendously. LOVE IT
Incredibly encouraging and practical
This has been an amazing find!! I have been able to make a difference in my life TODAY! God has used these podcasts already in my life in big ways. I have started verse mapping as a result and it has been so fun!! Thanks Gwen!
Love this podcast
From the get to know you better to the closing prayer time and everything in between this podcast encourages and inspires. Thank you for this ministry!
Purple number 4
All episodes
I never never missed one! U R the best interviewer ever! However your last podcast was March, have U stopped ?? Please don’t🤗
I loved the episode with Mark Batterson on his book, Win the Day! I can do anything for a day! This is awesome! Love the podcast! Angie Tonini-Rogers
Thankful listener
I teach at a university that is a 40 minute drive from my home. Covid has impacted everything I do in my job which has been very stressful. However, instead of thinking about all that is not working well and worrying as I make my way to work, I listen to your podcast and arrive spiritually and emotionally refreshed. Thank you so much for representing the Gospel in such a “grace-ful” way! Melanie
Come hungry, leave filled
Every episode leaves me full of the Holy Spirit and ready to share with everyone I meet. There are a wide variety of topics and interviews - each one leaving me inspired, seen, and renewed. God is doing powerful work through Gwen and I’m here for it all.
Addictive, fun, good buy
Encouraging and uplifting!
Love all the episodes where guests share their journeys of faith and grace. I am always encouraged and my faith strengthened! Thank you Gwen Smith!
All “Graceologie” Podcasts
I LOVE every “truly gifted” guest Gwen interviews! Each one brings something different. I laugh, cry, learn, and am stretched to think and act in a way that I never thought of before. Great way to start each day listening to the Podcast and exercising at the same time! I thank God for you!
Great Stuff!
Gwen, Love the interview with the Camps! Great perspective on letting God lead and how they handle things with Jesus as the center in their family. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.
Land of Milk and Honey
Gwen, I Love all the episodes - they are real life experiences, struggles, but most importantly recognizing there is also a real God that is alive, almighty working in us, as we travel this all so real world, til we all are called to our ethernal home.... keep it real GB, and a Huge Thank you!!! 😇
You be you
I really enjoyed this show. I’m definitely going to buy the book. She really spoke to me in many different ways. I’m also from Pittsburgh.
Experience grace
Gwens conversations with a variety of guests are informative and inspiring. A perfect way to experience God’s love and grace in difficult times.
Soul soothing!
This podcast makes Jesus so real, so right now, so relevant in our daily lives. I LOVE IT!
Tonya Murphy
Graceologie blesses!
I have never listened to a Graceologie podcast without learning a ton and wanting more! Gwen is a natural interviewer, asking the important questions, gleaning practical application for her listeners, all the while having fun and pointing us all to Jesus! Do yourself a and few and listen while you go about your day today. It will bless you!
I so enjoyed being Gwen's guest! She listens, she laughs, and she obviously loves God. Thank you, Gwen. Deborah Smith Pegues Author, LEAD LIKE A WOMAN
Big Fan!!
Gwen I have been listening to you for about 4 years now as I drive to and from work. I live in Texas on a ranch so I drive an hour to work wherever my job may be. You have spoken to me in ways you can’t even imagine!! Thanks for your fabulous ministry!! This Pastors wife, sexual abuse survivor, nurse, mother, step-mother, Nana-you name it NEEDS YOU!!! Bless you!!!
longtime listener
I have been a GIG fan for many years, and Graceologie was my intro to podcasts. After listening to a variety of podcasts, Gwen is truly the best. God is working through her to encourage, challenge and grow her listeners. I share her episodes with so many people! Keep going, girl - you rock!!
Awesome Interviews!
Gwen has amazing guests and asks allllllll the right questions. Every episode is uplifting, inspiring and challenging. One of the only Christian podcasts I subscribe to. Gwen knows the Bible and is very inspiring. Keep them coming Gwen!
Encouraged me to exercise!!!
I started walking during this time we all have to stay home. I read GIG daily devotionals so I know Gwen from there! But I needed something to listen to while I was walking and just spoke to Siri and said Graceologie Podcast! Came right up and I have been listening to them every time I walk. I have enjoyed them so much I actually look forward to exercising just so I can listen them! Thanks Gwen and Graceologie for being a part of many of my days now!!!
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My favorite podcast
Love listening every week - i always feel encourage, learn something and have a laugh!! Gwen has such a tender heart that comes across beautifully in the way she interviews her guests. Love it!!!
Thank you, Gwen, and guests. Every episode has nuggets of truth that enrich our lives and bring us closer to the Lord. I have shared many with friends and family.
TeAch x 12
Graceologie - Favorite Christian Podcast
I learn so much from every episode. Great host and guests!
Terrific - always learn something useful.
Best podcast ever. Provides useful and productive information. And is building my reading list. ♥️♥️
kimberly east
My favorite Podcast!!
Each of the Graceologie episodes give me hope, encouragement, and practical ways to grow and renew my faith! A must have for car rides or walks!!! A pick-me-up no matter what season in life you are going through. Perfect for anyone regardless of your current relationship with God. Gwen knows how to ask the right questions to put anyone on a path for healing!!! Thank you for creating quality podcasts with amazing guests and their real, raw, and inspirational-stories!!! Even if you don’t personally know Gwen, she meets listeners where they are and makes them feel like a close friend while guiding them to a personal and loving relationship with God. Thank you for serving our Heavenly Father and reminding us of His amazing grace!!!
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I have been so encouraged by the guests you invite and by your joyful way of connecting Gods Word in such a relevant way. Again and again, it’s as if I’m receiving God winks and encouragement to take a next step—because of the connection you provide in these messages. I’m learning so much about how to fully engage in life through these conversations! Your guest’s vulnerabilities connect us. As a mental health counselor, I see common struggles we all share alleviated through connection. Thank you so much for the work you do in connecting hearts and minds in Christ.
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Can’t get enough
I let Gwen and her guests play in my ear all night for the past month and I’ve made it through nearly all of the episodes. I’ve missed so much content but what I’ve heard when I’m awake is exactly how she describes it. Faith based, practical and honest. It grips you in ways you won’t expect and you will be forever changed if you take on the wisdom imparted in these conversations. There are so many gems in these podcasts, I will be going through them all again, with a podcast journal at hand. And I may break the bank with all these fun make up products and books! Thank you for getting me closer to Jesus!
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Great episodes!
Love this! Just discovered through Sophie Hudson’s Instagram BooMama205 and listened to several episodes! So encouraging!
Voices of God’s Work
Thank you for always making my day! I love the way you show me so many different people working passionately for God and sharing their talents!!!
Dream Big, Pray Often
Loving My 1st Podcastwith Graceologie
Mahalo for messagesfrom you and your guests. #107 was my very first podcast. I shared the message of forgiveness for self allows forgiveness to flow, more importantly it allowsa deeper freedom in Christ to accept ourselves and others.
Momi M
Love to listen to GRACEOLOGIE!
I never listen to a podcast that I don’t feel I hear God speak to me through! Thanks for all your honesty & work in building the kingdom! Can’t wait to listen to each new podcast! and thanks to each speaker!
Sandy Combs
Five Star Rating
Gwen, thank you for the work you do to prepare for each podcast and for allowing God to work through you . Each one is uplifting, inspiring and heartfelt! Just when I think there’s a topic that doesn’t apply to my life... God meets me there! Lifting you and your team up in prayer!
Grace girl
Love your podcasts. I listen to them on my morning walks. Thanks for helping me start my day with the Lord! Appreciate you so much. I’m stronger in the word because of you. I’ve done all the Psalms studies and wouldn’t miss one.
Love love love these pod cast so inspiring and filled with hope, Thank you so much!
K Garris
Just in time
five stars from me.. Awesome topics and Gwen is no stranger to the hard questions.. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. God Bless you
Addresses what Christians don’t talk about
I did a google search for a podcast about Christians and fitness and saw a few but clicked this one. So glad I found you, Gwen! Praying for your ministry to flourish for the kingdom and thanking Him for your obedience to take the steps required for this intentional podcast.
Higher Calling
I give this cast a five star rating. This cast was a cast that hit home for me. It was truly a blessing to listen to. I love your love story continue to do what you do and continue to Love God with all your hearts.
Thank you!
I love listening to GRACEOLOGIE throughout my day. When I’m busy and stressed I can start listening to Gwen talk with people about their love for Jesus and God and living out our identity in Christ. It calms my stress and reminds me that I can always trust God to lead me.
Learning on the Go
Love listening to the various podcasts. There are a variety of speakers that share their God given expertise. I appreciate how Gwen goes deeper when God leads.
God's Girl GS
Always Uplifting!
I am always encouraged when I tune in - episodes are a little long, but I wouldn’t change that!! I love the fast fun fav round of learning a few interesting things about the guests - helps to connect me to them and makes the person relatable! Within the episodes, even if what I’m hearing might not all apply directly to me, I find myself wanting to “share” with others - and have! Gwen, thanks for these messages! You bring joy into my life at just the right time!
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Please slow down
This is my honest opinion. I’ve been reading Girlfriends in God for the last few years and LOVE everything about them. I was very excited to find out about Graceologie on podcasts, because I can listen while running errands and cleaning. Don’t get me wrong the podcasts are uplifting and I do enjoy them but my pet peeve is how fast the host talks. I often find myself having to go back to catch what she has said and at times find the person being interviewed begins talking just as fast trying to keep up. I’ve forwarded several episodes to friends and family and have received the same reaction. I’m so sorry because I do love the podcasts!
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Derrick Lopez
God speaks
I’ve been listening to different Christian podcasts praying to find one I can connect with. I love my journey and how God speaks to me. As I found GRACEOLOGIE and started listening to a podcast, Gwen thanked a listeners review and said her name, that listener had my exact maiden name!!!!! It’s was as if you were talking directly to me. Actually stopped me in my walk and I looked up at God, emailed and and gave thanks for his humor and his way of connecting with me. I’ve been listening everyday since that day and each episode is so uplifting, educational and encouraging. Looking to buy all the books from all the Authors interviewed. Thank you Gwen for your calm and encouraging way about you.
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Johnny Shipwrecker
It all applies
Everytime I think that a particular Graceology with Gwen Smith podcast will be ‘nice’ to listen to, but isn’t applicable for my time of life - HA! Every podcast session I’ve listened to has applied to me one way or another. Some of the podcasts, I’ll listen to two or three times because they are so rich in content and meaning. My bookshelf is getting loaded! Thank you, Gwen and team, for putting these podcasts out undergirded by the obvious prayer in which you fill them! Debbie in Albuquerque
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Debbie in Albuquerque
Such an awesome podcast. It’s real, truth filled, offering hope and practical guidance to become closer to ourselves and God.
Lee Ellen Brown
Real life
Thank you for approaching topics relevant to a young mom with real “simple” struggles that aren’t actually simple. Your questions for experts might as well be out of my own mouth.
Thank you!
This is one of my favorite podcast out there! Thank you, Gwen, for allowing God to work through you and this podcast! You and your guests bring encouragement, inspiration and God’s truth in every single episode. God bless you and your work!
A conversation to join
When you listen to Graceologie, you join in a conversation with friends. Gwen makes you feel as if you’re sitting in her living room with her and her guests. God shows up in each episode to teach us, to make us laugh and grow our faith. And if you have a long drive, the hours pass so much faster when you listen to Graceologie!
My heart
With each episode Gwen speaks fo my heart. She and her guests always help me to find fresh ways to connect with Jesus. Thank you so much! Blessings!
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