God Told Us to Tell You Podcast

God Told Us to Tell You

God Told Us to Tell You
We're afraid we might join a cult. Each week we'll be covering a different piece of cult content in hopes that if we figure out what the deal with them is, we can avoid getting sucked in. Join us 🙂.
A 1hr Hair Tutorial - Remnant Fellowship
Hi again- we got busy and had to take a lil break, but we’re back with a cult we might actually join (off the record). We watched HBO’s The Way Down! Remnant Fellowship was founded by Dolly Parton wax figure, Gwen Shamblin, a girl boss to her core with hair as high as heaven and an off-cable television show. We hate her, obviously, but we can’t help but be a little bit... in awe? That being said, everything we say in this episode you misheard and cannot be used in a court of law. Follow us: IG: @GodToldUs2TellU TikTok: @GodToldUs2TellU & send your complaints to: [email protected]
Feb 25, 2022
1 hr 6 min
Winnie the Pooh's Tethered - the Cult(?) behind Sleepytime Tea(?)
Hi again. This week we're talking about a strange bible loved by the founders of Celestial Seasonings, Colorado hippies who claim to have discovered tea (hmm). We thought it would be a light little episode and then, of course, that bible started talking about Eugenics. We should have guessed. Anyway, we talk about Sleepytime's beginnings, "ghost cults," the case of Modern Dentistry v. Maddy McNear, and Healy's little feud with GQ. **There's a small audio issue in the first few seconds. Ignore it. We're too pretty to be audio engineers.** Follow us: IG: @GodToldUs2TellU TikTok: @GodToldUs2TellU & send your complaints to: [email protected]
Feb 3, 2022
1 hr 6 min
Would You Date This Man? - Tom Cruise & Scientology
Remember how this was going to be a book club? Well this week we watched interviews with Tom Cruise, the star behind every cliche line in movie history. Maddy barely knows who this man is and neither of us have seen Mission Impossible, but we are curious about his relationship to Scientology. We talk about his lengthy girlfriend audition process, if Katy Holmes exists or if she's just stock footage, and the sex secret in Tom's recorded audits. It's not what you think! ... allegedly.  Sources: -The Oprah Interview, the Matt Lauer (sp? idc) interview, and 60 Min Australia -Vanity Fair Follow us: IG: @GodToldUs2TellU TikTok: @GodToldUs2TellU & send your complaints to: [email protected]
Jan 27, 2022
59 min
Turn on, Tune In, Drop Out - The Manson Family According to Dianne Lake
We thought for a second this podcast might be a book club. For the first episode, we read a memoir by the youngest member of the Manson Family, who ended up being the sole witness in the case of People v. Charles Manson (before senior prom!). It's an intense book that really illuminates how the sexual revolution left girls behind, the reasons a young person might be vulnerable to the influence of a charismatic cult leader, and how absolutely insufferable hippies were. Have you ever seen Strangers with Candy? This is the prequel. This week we read: Member of the Family: My Story of Charles Manson, Life Inside his Cult, and the Darkness that Ended the Sixties by Dianne Lake Follow us: IG: @GodToldUs2TellU TikTok: @GodToldUs2TellU & send your complaints to: [email protected]
Jan 20, 2022
1 hr 15 min