Goal Get It Podcast Podcast

Goal Get It Podcast

Erin Haworth
As an online entrepreneur, there is always something to do. You keep googling how to get more done, reach $10K months, gain clients & customers, and live a fulfilled life, BUT you end up burnt out & no closer to your goals. You’re ready to start using your limited time more effectively + building your profitable online business to support the freedom you dream of. The Goal Get It podcast is specifically designed for online women entrepreneurs who are tired of constantly hustling and STILL not reaching those big business & life goals. Here you’ll get - effective strategies for building, running, and up-leveling your profitable business - productivity hacks to help you maximize your limited time & energy - guidance on exactly how to tailor all that advice to you & your business so you can start taking action immediately So, are you ready to claim your dream life & business? Goal get it.
Making Goals Easy to Achieve
It is January, the first month of 2022 and chances are you set new year's resolutions or goals for this year, right? Brilliant. That's not a bad thing, that's a good thing. But you may also be to the point in your goals journey for this year where your energy and your motivation is starting to majorly drop. I understand, it happens so that’s why in today's episode, I'd love to share with you six different things that you can do to achieve your goals. Let's dive on it.    Show Links: Application to Work Together Fiercely-Focused 1:1 Coaching DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways: Listen in to hear the six different things you can do to achieve your goals this new year.  Discover the action step that you can take right now to move forward and implement what you learned immediately. Learn how to take the next step and move toward your goals by applying to work with me in 2022. 
Jan 18, 2022
20 min
The Power of Choosing Your Focus for 2022
So the excitement of the new year is still going strong, but in a couple of weeks, that may change. The motivation and novelty of a fresh start begins to wear off. Life, unexpected circumstances, and the dreaded excuses start popping up at an ever increasing rate, but there is a super simple tool that I've used to make sure that I stay focused on what truly matters to me in any given year. It's allowed me to maintain that focus and it's a tool my clients have used as well, and you can use it to give you that extra push that you need when you need it.  So in this episode, I'm diving into exactly what that tool is and how you can use it for yourself.   Show Links: Application to Work Together Fiercely-Focused 1:1 Coaching DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways: Listen in to hear the simple tool I use to make sure I maintain focus all year long.  Discover how this tool has helped me and clients too!  Learn the ways I use this tool and discover some ideas for you to implement it for yourself. 
Jan 11, 2022
17 min
Choosing the Right Coach for You
Welcome to the first podcast episode of 2022! At this time, every single year, there is an uptick in the number of entrepreneurs hiring support and hiring coaches to help them get to their goals, but not all coaches are created equal and a great coach for someone else may not be a great coach for you. So in this episode of the Goal Get It Podcast, I am breaking down a simple process that you can go through to make sure you are choosing the right coach for you. Let's dive in! Show Links: Real Results Roadmap VIP Day Fiercely-Focused 1:1 Coaching DM me on Instagram Show Takeaways: Listen in to hear my best practices when looking to hire a coach Discover what questions to ask and what to look for when choosing the right coach for you Understand the importance of hiring the right coach, not just any coach for your business
Jan 4, 2022
29 min
How to Do An End-of-Year Recap
There is such value in reflecting on what it is that you actually accomplished this year and the wonderful, sometimes surprising things that occurred over the past 12 months. And as a smart savvy business owner, that is 12 months worth of information that can provide invaluable insight as you move forward with new decisions and new directions. But if you've never done an end of year recap you may be unsure exactly how to do it well. So in this episode, I'm going to walk you through it step by step.    Show Links: End-of-Year Recap Questionnaire Goal-Getter Live Encore DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways: Understand why an end of the year recap can be so value for you and your business Listen in to hear me walk you through the questions to ask during a recap Discover the step-by-step process you can follow today 
Dec 28, 2021
10 min
What I Wish I Would've Done Differently In My Business
In today’s episode of the Goal Get It Podcast, I’m talking all about regrets. I try not to have them, regrets specifically, but I'm also not immune to the “hindsight is 2020” way of looking at and learning from the things that we've done. And while I know that I can't go back and undo any of it or change the past, I can share with you some of the things that I wish I would've done differently this year, and in previous years, to make life a little easier and to reach my goals a bit faster. So that's exactly what I'm diving into today.    Show Links: DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways: Listen in to hear the business regrets I have from the past year Learn why I regret those decisions and what I would have done differently Understand why looking back at your past year and the regrets you have will help you to make the upcoming year easier and meet your goals faster
Dec 21, 2021
17 min
Books You May Not Have Heard Of That Will Change Your Life
Every year I have a number of books that I want to read that year. And each year I find some absolute gems that completely changed my perspective on a specific topic and therefore changed my life. So in today's episode, I'm sharing with you five of those books, so they can change yours too. Show Links: The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi* I’m So Effing Tired by Dr. Amy Shah* Smarter Tomorrow by Elizabeth R. Ricker* Episode 034 - The Entrepreneur's Energy Trifecta The Audacity to be Queen by Gina DeVee* Be by Jessica Zweig* Winging It by Emma Isaacs* DM me on Instagram *As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn commissions on qualifying purchases.   Show Takeaways: Listen in to hear about the five books, all written by women  Learn why I choose these book and some of my top takeaways from each one Understand why I often choose books from different perspectives than mine 
Dec 14, 2021
19 min
5 Myths to Eliminate in Order To Succeed in 2022
Over my years in business, I have heard, and believed several myths that held me back majorly in actually moving forward and growing my business. And because I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did, in this episode I am busting five myths that are holding you back and the truth that will set you free. I don't want you to end this year or start the new year with the chains of these five myths weighing you down. Let’s dive in!    Show Links: Real Results Roadmap VIP Day ErinHaworth.com DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways:  Learn the five myths that held me back in business and may be holding you back too! Understand the truths of these myths so you can start 2022 with freedom. Discover the action step you can take today to move you and your business in the right direction. 
Dec 7, 2021
30 min
Choosing Your Big Business & Life Goals for 2022
It is that time of the year again, my friend, when we start looking ahead to the next year and what big changes or shifts we want to make with the fresh start that January 1st brings. But how to you actually choose what changes or shifts you want to make and which ones stay on the dream list for another time? Well, in today's episode, that is exactly what we are diving into. Show Links: Goal-Getter Live ErinHaworth.com DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways:  Why you may have been unsuccessful at achieving goals before A simple process for choosing 2022 goals well Coupon code for $10 off your ticket to Goal-Getter Live
Nov 30, 2021
27 min
How Does A Productivity Powerhouse Think?
In April of last year, I had planned to ramp up my content creation and really position myself for a huge launch of my very first course ever, but I wasn't in the right headspace for it. I had been struggling to get anything meaningful accomplished in my business because the pandemic had shut down my daughter's school. I became a stay at home mom overnight. And I was struggling majorly. Luckily my business coach at the time took notice of this and rather than pushing me to work harder and hustle more, suggested a doing-detox. On a day-to-day basis, I had lost focus on why productivity mattered to me. Can you relate to that?  By cultivating the right mindset about productivity, I was able to increase my output and truly impact my success. And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in this episode, how to create the mindset of a productivity powerhouse.  Show Links: Brooke Castillo’s CTFAR Framework ErinHaworth.com DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways:  Why mindset is so important, what it is but more importantly what it isn’t Understanding why changing your mindset may be hard and the three things that may hold you back as you begin to do this work The difference between busy and productive The exercise you can employ today to help you define what productivity means to you and why it matters
Nov 23, 2021
13 min
What My Grey Hair & Love of the Jonas Brothers Has to Do With Business
Today I am diving  into how my mild obsession with the Jonas Brothers and embracing my naturally gray hair led to a business rebrand.  You may be thinking, what in the world does your hair color and affinity for bands of brothers have to do with running your business? Well, listen in to find out.    Show Links: ErinHaworth.com DM me on Instagram   Show Takeaways:  Listen to it to see if your business is reflective of the true you and  how you show up to serve your clients.  Discover if your brand accurately represents you. Understand how you can show up more as yourself in your business.
Nov 15, 2021
11 min
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