Global Health Pursuit
Global Health Pursuit
Hetal Baman
Global Health Pursuit
Hetal Baman
Why are infants dying for preventable reasons? Is it really safe to 3D print organs and medical devices? Is Poverty Porn still a thing? What is Voluntourism and is it really that bad? What does storytelling have to do with taking a vaccine? The realm of Global Health is vast. The amount of challenges seems overwhelming. Where do we start? What does it take to be a humanitarian? Where do we donate our time and money to create the biggest impact? Hosted by engineer turned social impact storyteller, Hetal Baman, this podcast seeks to answer tough questions about the world from a beginners mindset. Real questions about real world issues, *without the fluff*. This is the Global Health Pursuit. New episodes every Tuesday!
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a month ago
April 2
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