Kamb is a traditional medicine used by native people in the Amazonian rainforest. It is made from a waxy secretion collected from the back and sides of the giant monkey tree frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor. Indigenous people have known for centuries that this substance offers many gifts to those that use it. Many tribes use kamb regularly to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, heighten the senses, and restore the sick. Native shamans recognize that kamb also clears panema, unhealthy energy linked to bad luck and misfortune.More Westerners are now using this medicine for its powerful cleansing and healing affects.
Oct 9, 2017

In the episode, Ginny and Todd will go step-by-step through the kambo process. How to prepare for kambo, what to do and what not to do, contraindications and much more.You will learn about some of the things that can happen during the treatment and what to do afterward. This will be a lively discussion and a few entertaining anecdotes. You don't want to miss this episode.
Oct 2, 2017

On this first show, Ginny and Todd, explain what Kambo is, how it is used, and the benefits of this powerful medicine. They will discuss what brought them to the medicine and how it has affected their lives. They will also tell their own story about how they met and their shared vision for providing this educational resource for practitioners and anyone called to experience this facinating medicine. Todd, as a full-time psychic, will explain Kambo from a "magical" level. Ginny, as a Master Practitioner and trainer, will explain the more practical properties of Kambo.
Sep 25, 2017

In this episode, Ginny travels to the Bay Area to inteview, kambo practitioners, Steven Alexander Dumain and Juan Jose. Ginny assisted in training these practitioners and has a heart felt connections\ with both. Juan works with Ginny in training new practitioners. Steve and Juan will talk about their training, their kambo practices and how they are continuing to grow with kambo. They will also tell of how they were called to become practitioners and why they chose the IAKP for their training.
Sep 18, 2017

Today, Ginny will have a guest on the show. Acupucturist and kambo pracitioner, Kim Mathis, will be talking about her experience with using kambo on meridian points. She will be sharing the amazing effects of using these energy centers in her kambo practice. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet about using kambo on these points. Kim will share her expertise and experience and explain why this is such a powerful why to use kambo. She will also share why she decided to become a kambo practitioner to enhance her acupuncture practice.
Sep 11, 2017

On today's show, Ginny will talk about targeted kambo treatments. She will be explaining how to use meridians, chakras and ears for specialized kambo effects. She will discuss when, why and how to use the energy centers of the body to get the maximum effect of kambo. She will also clear up some of the misinformation around using these types of treatments.
Sep 4, 2017

On today's show, Ginny and Todd, will talk about some case studies. Ginny will tell abouit some of her long term clients who are dealing with physical and emotional conditions. They will discuss the protocols and the results. Todd will give some of his intuitive information of these clients. This show will give the listener some interesting facts about how kambo can help relieve symptoms and the long term effects from kambo.
Aug 21, 2017
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