Giant Robot FM
Giant Robot FM
Giant Robot FM
via Podcasts
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This show will be a gift to new and old fans alike. The level of detail, the depth, the PASSION in this show is unmatched and it’s precisely why I recommend it to everyone I can. Giant robots forever ⚔️
They do the homework
Such an extensively researched show about posting memes on social media that you’ll even learn about anime along the way.
My Name is Grant
Suletta squad
Loving your Witch From Mercury episodes!
Robots rule - Turn A hypeeeee
Stephen and PMC have a really fun vibe/dynamic. Stephen makes me feel old with his dad/teacher humor and PMC comes in with the zingers. I love the communication surrounding the pod. Always know what’s in the works, what’s being scheduled. Not many people that podcast full time do this and these two make the time.