Getting Real with Zeke Thomas Podcast

Getting Real with Zeke Thomas

Zeke Thomas
The Getting Real with Zeke Thomas podcast is a weekly comedy show that deconstructs people who's name you might know but who's origin stories you definitely don't. From Hollywood big shots to professional athletes to politicians I invite them all to sit down and get real. Questions, comments, suggestions on a guest? Email the show at [email protected] Follow the show: Twitter: @gettingrealzeke IG: zekethomasisrad Zeke's Agent: VO Agent: Lisa Martel 90210 Talent
#16 - JenicaLyn Noel (Karli Kaiser)
This is an ad-free episode of the podcast that features an interview with beauty and fashion guru, JenicaLynn Noel. She’s the youtuber who’s been making waves in vlogging and haul videos but has also branched out to cover fitness as well. We briefly discuss how she started her youtube empire, her AOL chatroom origins, and the importance of a 5 minute face. Welcome back to another edition of the getting real with Zeke podcast. We are up to episode #16 -- After a tough decision I’ve decided I need to cut back so I’m going to be releasing twice a month. The decision was not an easy one but I had to make some changes otherwise I was going to lose my mind. I have a quality problem of too much work right now and I still want to keep this thing going. This is a 2 man operation with Brian Nicholas helping out with the EQ and posting to itunes but the booking, recording, and writing are all yours truly. Hit subscribe! Speaking of which . . . If you need a youtube fix: hit subscribe on murderbot productions AND -- I’m currently a creative producer over there and I’d love for you to check out some of our recent pranks and our new version of Breaking videos. Checkout the newly refreshed for everything else. Got a question for the show? Write a message while you are on my site or email [email protected] Today’s guest comes to us through my dear friend Karli Kaiser. Stick around till the very end of the podcast for more info on her as we deconstruct her comediness. Check out her social links below and show them some love. Karli Kaiser Twitter: @karlikaiser Instagram: @karli_k Facebook: Youtube: JenicaLyn Noel’s social Twitter: @itsjenicalyn Instagram: @itsjenicalyn Facebook Fan Page: YouTube Channel: or "Jenicalyn Noel" Be sure to check your mascara and purse your lips cause we’re about to get real with beauty and fashion guru and youtuber JenicaLynn Noel.
Jan 20, 2016
53 min
#15 - Realist Life Coach Kev Hapman (Robert Mitchell)
Welcome back to another edition of the Getting real with Zeke podcast! This episode features an interview with Realist Life Coach Kev Hapman. He’s the author of the self-published book, Making Yourself Bulletproof: Kev-lar Vest for Life. We briefly discuss his past trauma that drew him to life coaching starting at age 12, his celebrity clients like A-Rod, The art of losing, and alcohol therapy. Thank all of you for sharing the podcast with your friends and enemies. Subscriptions matter so please do me a solid and hit subscribe. Speaking of which . . . Please follow the podcast on twitter @GettingRealZeke where you will get all the latest getting real with zeke news including new episodes, BTS pictures, and a sneak peek at who is coming up next of the podcast. Also, don’t forget to friend, follow, like, subscribe to all my social network things: Twitter: @zekeisawesome IG: zekethomasisrad fb: Periscope: zeke thomas Snapchat: zekethomasisrad Checkout the newly refreshed for everything else. Got a question for the show? Write a message while you are on my site or email [email protected] Today’s guest comes to us through my dear friend Robert Mitchell. Robert and I met close to 5 years ago at the soon to be relocated LA Connection where we both performed improv. He’s got a wicked sense of humor and I was a big fan of his choice of topics. Check out his social links and show 'em some love. Robert Mitchell Facebook: Twitter: Be sure drink some whiskey and suppress some feelings cause we’re about to get real with realist life coach, Kev Hapman.
Jan 6, 2016
1 hr
#14 - Chip and Joseph from Bros (Sarah Rodenbaugh & Brooke Heatley)
The Bros and Zeke discuss the launch of their web series Bros, produced by 1620 Media, but take plenty of detours as they discuss the finer points of male fashion, 90’s boy bands, and Ronda Rousey’s future. Thank all of you for sharing the podcast with your friends and enemies. Subscriptions matter so please do me a solid and hit subscribe. Speaking of which . . . Please follow the podcast on twitter @GettingRealZeke where you will get all the latest getting real with zeke news including new episodes, BTS pictures, and a sneak peek at who is coming up next of the podcast. Also, don’t forget to friend, follow, like, subscribe to all my social network things: Twitter: @zekeisawesome IG: zekethomasisrad fb: Periscope: zeke thomas Snapchat: zekethomasisrad If you need a youtube fix: hit subscribe on murderbot productions and or checkout the newly refreshed for everything else. While you’re there be sure to sign up for my free new media newsletter with plenty of free tips on producing, storytelling, and growth hacking. Today’s guests came to us thru my dear friends Sarah Rodenbaugh and Brooke Heatley. Check out their social links and show them some love. Sarah: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Brooke BROS: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: Our site: Be sure cock your hat to the side and pop that collar cause we’re about to get real with Chip and Joseph of the Bros. #namaste
Dec 23, 2015
59 min