Funny Balls with Rov & RJ Podcast

Funny Balls with Rov & RJ

Rov & RJ
Two brothers who happen to talk sports while engineering laughs for the world. Who would've thought that sports could be this funny?
F.B. Ep #63- A day in the life of two brothers
Interested in what our hosts go through in their daily lives? Can you related to any of their stories? Listen in and find out who's work life resembles you more
Sep 26, 2019
1 hr 17 min
F.B. Ep #62- DMT, school shootings, timeless movies & a lost bet?
If you feel like learning, this is the episode for you. We discuss psychedelic drugs, what movies can you watch over and over that isn't a superhero movie, and again we mention school shootings. You're going to want to listen until the end. Rov reacts to his lost wager and needless to say, it was a rough one. FULL DISCLOSURE, the wager was 3 FG had to be made during the Titans vs Jaguars game. We'll let you fill in the rest
Sep 19, 2019
52 min