Flipping coins, starting auctions and hiding objects: that's what we're going to do today. With Rakdos at the helm, there's no worries about the quantity of chaos incoming, are you ready for it?
Let me know your opinions about the decklist via Instagram (@from_italy_with_edh), Twitter (@EdhFrom) and Youtube (From Italy with EDH channel)!
Apr 4, 2021
26 min

Today I talk about two partners in crime: Nekusar, the Mindrazer and Obosh, the Preypiercer. With Nekusar punishing our opponents for drawing cards and Obosh amplifying all the damage we deal, we aim to eliminate all of our opponents at once with huge draw spells.
Let me know your opinions about the decklist via Instagram (@from_italy_with_edh), Twitter (@EdhFrom) and Youtube (From Italy with EDH channel)!
Feb 23, 2021
28 min

Today I talk about Brago, an Azorius control deck that wants to slow down the game to win through one of the multiple combo line it runs. Let me know your opinions about the decklist via Instagram (@from_italy_with_edh), Twitter (@EdhFrom) and Youtube (From Italy with EDH channel)!
Feb 4, 2021
32 min

Today I talk about Najeela, a five colours warrior tribal deck that wants to trigger Najeela's first ability to take over the board and win through big combat steps. Let me know your opinions about the decklist via both Instagram (@from_italy_with_edh) and Twitter (@EdhFrom)! Last but not least, don't forget to check out my newly opened YouTube channel (From Italy with EDH), where I'll be posting some extra content!
Jan 26, 2021
20 min

Today I talk about Sasaya, a mono-green stompy deck that aims to produce BIG mana and win through combat damage. Let me know your opinions about the decklist via both Instagram (@from_italy_with_edh) and Twitter (@EdhFrom)!
Jan 13, 2021
22 min

Just a brief introduction to let you know what I'm going to talk about in this podcast!
Dec 30, 2020
36 sec