From Darkness to Light
From Darkness to Light
Shama Persson
via Podcasts
Your dishonesty is mind blowing
You have taken advance of your daughters success in such a selfish and embarrassing way. What a disgrace you are
Horton and company
Family constellations
I just listened to the episode on family constellations, and as a clinical psychologist who studies and treats families, this episode was very biased toward the estranged parent (unsurprising, since the host is that parent). It’s important to remember that the parent must change - to wait for the child to return, you have to show the them that it’s safe to return. The idea of one being “superior” or that the child should “bow down” can be a weapon that parents use against their children. I hope this was just a translation issue for Shama, since these words connote a serious power imbalance - that of a master to a servant. I see this dynamic in my practice all the time. These sentiments can very easily be used to minimize the child, their feelings, their experiences. Parents must remember: you had a life before your child. Your child has only known life with you in it. That responsibility should come with a great sense of humility, which is something that was absent from this episode.
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Amazing podcast
Shama has a beautiful way of speaking to my soul! I relate to her so incredibly much. Thank you for sharing, Shama!
Courage and much strength to you Shama
Shama is a gift to the humans who have lots of experiences ...trauma ... sudden loss...heartbreak ...she has felt these and more im sure! she has a gentle way to share her life and she understands and I feel she wants to be a help to help to let it go ...let us live without all the memories drowning us forever ...yes thank you 💟
Refreshing to hear a different opinion backed with kindness. How lovely this world would be if we could all be as kind as this lovely soul!
So glad to have found this!
Such a fantastic podcast. Shama has such wisdom, and I just love listening to her calming voice. This is a gem.
Like Medicine For The Soul
With her soft, sweet, voice and the wisdom gleaned from having experienced personally, everything she speaks of, one experiences, listening to Shamma, a real life Sage. The benefits of listening to Shamma, who feels more like a loving friend than a podcast host, are instant calm and hope. I can’t recommend this podcast highly enough!