Fresh out of Tokens
Fresh out of Tokens
Fresh Out of Tokens
via Podcasts
Great podcast wow!
Talk about self care in the morning commute to work! So informative, and I feel affirmed as I listen to each episode :-)
This podcast is neccesary and amazing.
Whew! Where to start! I follow a lot of the traditional game media and i really do like it. However, there are so many cringeworthy moments or times where I am screaming at my car radio that issues of race, gender and heteronormativity are never addressed. Discovering this podcast was both the breath of fresh air I needed and the slap in the face about how far gaming still needs to go. #INeedDiverseGames indeed! Must listen to for any gamer!
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Great Podcast
I've been listening to Fresh Out of Tokens since they debuted a year ago, and it has been a wonderful experience. Tanya and David are great cohosts, and they always having something insigtful to say about the video games or other pieces of media they examine. They also bring on wonderful guests. I've learned so much listening to Fresh Out of Tokens, and I look forward to another year of amazing casts.
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Intersectionality and videogames? Two of my favorite things. I love the host and all the guests have been great. Great variety of topics and guests, all informative and fun. I love hearing the perspectives of others. So far I've gained better insight to old favorites and learned to look at some games I didn't really care for in another way and find something good in them. I've also found some great games I probably never would have heard of if it weren't for this podcast. It's a great experience!
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Great show!
It's comfortable conversations about uncomfortable topics in nerd culture. I look forward to more episodes covering a wide range of "nerdy" hobbies and media.
Ross Protagonist
Diversity in gaming
I have been catching up on this podcast for the past few weeks on my drive to and from work. There is a lot of great information, new podcasts to check out, people to follow, discussion on diversity in games and new perspectives for me to think about. I'm going to be sad when I catch up and can't listen to it everyday. Thanks!!
Passionionate, Intelligent, and Fun
Fresh out of Tokens is the brainchild of #INeedDiverseGames creator Tanya DePass. Tanya is well spoken, passionate, and always fun to talk/listen to. As dainys stated, if you enjoy shows such as JP, SoM, Isometric, and Unconsoleable you are going to love this show. It isn't JUST another diversity and gaming podcast. It's more than that. It encompasses conferences, tv shows, movies, comics, and games in many different lights. Sit down, buckle in, and enjoy the ride!
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Just subscribe right now!
Tanya and David bring an awesome perspective on gaming, and they have hosted an EPIC lineup of guests, with more to come. Episodes are always fun, and you're going to love each and every episode.
5 Stars
I like this podcast enough to rate and review it on iTunes, even though I don't use iTunes. That's how much I like it.
Fun and informative
Hosted by #INeedDiverseGames creator Tanya DePass, Fresh Out of Tokens delves into gaming from a black woman's/PoC's perspective. Intersectional, informative and fun, with engaging topics and great guests. Highly recommended, especially if you enjoy gaming podcasts like Spawn On Me, Justice Points and Isometric. Similar to those shows, I feel less like I'm absorbing information and more like I'm catching up with a friend.
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Marvelous podcast
Love it when I find a podcast still in it;s early life. Gives us all a chance to grow together. Deep discussions on gaming from so many different views.