French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture
French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture
Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way
FV 117 INTERVIEW: Bird watching and music with Guillaume Doerig (Part 1)
29 minutes Posted Sep 15, 2020 at 1:05 am.
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This is the first part of my conversation with Guillaume Doerig, a very friendly French man (who’s not only French, but a citizen of the world!) living in Chile.

This episode focuses on his multicultural and multilingual upbringing – Guillaume will give his best advice on how to learn a foreign language – and his passion for bird watching. He’s even started a YouTube channel aimed at listing the birds of the world in video. (See links below).

The full video interview is also available on YouTube.

Check out more about Guillaume:

Vocab List

colline (nf) = hill

hibou (nm) = hibou
jumelles (nf plur) = binoculars
ornitho(logie( (nf) = ornithology, bird watching
ouïe (nf) = hearing
paperasse (nf) = (informal) papers, paperwork, forms
répertorier = to list, index, identify, repertory
révolte (nf) = riot
terre à terre = down to earth
trimbaler = to carry around, to lug around

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