FreesTYLERs Podcast


Tyler Cooke
Welcome to FreesTYLERs. The greatest podcast in the history of mankind.
How Santa REALLY Travels The World In One Night!
Tyler talks with the big man himself.
Dec 24, 2022
23 min
The ACTUAL Voice of Donald Duck!!!
In season one, episode seven of FreesTYLERs Podcast, Tyler talks to Daniel Ross, the voice of "Starscream", "Donald Duck", and "Lucky the Leprechaun". This episode was filmed back in 2021 but was re-edited/uploaded in January 2023.
May 13, 2021
15 min
Meeting the Creator of Phineas and Ferb!!!
In season one, episode six of FreesTYLERs Podcast, Tyler talks with Jeff "Swampy" Marsh, the co-creator of the Disney Channel Series, "Phineas and Ferb" and "Milo Murphy's Law". This episode was filmed back in 2021 but was re-edited/uploaded in January 2023.
May 13, 2021
25 min
Interviewing a Professional Clown
In season one, episode five of FreesTYLERs Podcast, Tyler interviews David Torres, a professional clown, magician, and entertainer. This episode was filmed back in 2021 but was re-edited/uploaded in January 2023.
Apr 29, 2021
17 min
He Found What in His Cereal?!?
In season one, episode four of FreesTYLERs Podcast, Tyler talks with Thomas from Cereal Snob. This episode was filmed back in 2021 but was re-edited in January 2023. Thomas is most likely known for his cereal videos on YouTube and Instagram. He currently has 22.5k followers on Instagram. He also has a TikTok that he posts on sometimes.
Apr 12, 2021
36 min
Kat Curtis's Haters Helped Her Go Viral!!!
In season one, episode three of FreesTYLERs Podcast, Tyler interviews Kat Curtis about her upcoming TikTok career, including how she got recognized by one of the biggest YouTubers of all time. This episode was filmed back in 2021 but was re-edited in January 2023. Kat is most likely known for her food videos on TikTok. Kat is part of the “good burger squad”; runs the "funny or die" TikTok account with 3.4M followers and is the proud owner of the famous one-eared Uno with 1.8M followers on TikTok.
Mar 23, 2021
14 min
Is That REALLY Joey From Liv and Maddie?!?
In season one, episode two of FreesTYLERs Podcast, Tyler interviews KCay Music about TikTok, along with his music career. This episode was filmed back in 2021 but was re-edited in January 2023. (And yes, he did get his TikTok account back) K is most likely known for his blur videos on TikTok, but he’s also a fake voice actor and an Alternative Musician.
Mar 19, 2021
7 min
How Sarah Maddack Got Into Making Rap Music!!!
In season one, episode one of FreesTYLERs Podcast, Sarah Maddack talks about her transition from pop music into rap. This episode was filmed back in 2021 but was re-edited in January 2023.  Sarah is most known for her rap videos on TikTok. She first launched her account back in January 2020 and one of her most popular videos is her laying on the floor while rapping about a slug.
Mar 3, 2021
9 min