Freedom From Rulers Podcast

Freedom From Rulers

Gilbert Aldama
On this podcast I will try to explore hidden information that people in power are intentionally hiding from us. The more informed a population is regarding truth and principles of freedom, the better.
Freedom From Rulers #002 ft. Dr. Douglas Hulstedt MD- The Truth about Autism, Vaccines, and Censorship
In this episode I bring on a very special guest. Douglas Hulstedt has treated children with autism since the early 2000's and has learned about the causes of autism and other neurological disorders. We speak on a variety of topics, even the most recent Covid pandemic and what is truly happening to our society,
Feb 18, 2022
48 min
Freedom From Rulers #001 Truth, Freedom, Right from Wrong, and Government Mandates
Are we being mind controlled by people who claim to be keeping us safe?
Feb 16, 2022
16 min