The Pete Quiñones Show
The Pete Quiñones Show
Peter R Quiñones
via Podcasts
There is still hope in the Bronx
Pete you’re the best thing to come out from the Bronx in some time. Your dedication to the truth is truly remarkable and your fearless approach to answering tough societal issues is admirable. You make your fellow Boriquans proud.
Christus Imperat
Love ya man
Pete I love you. But this Tom Luongo guy, listen, I like WHAT he says, but someone needs to give him some feedback on HOW he says it. He’s so choppy, he hesitates and ums and ahs and errrs —- its hard on the ears!
Don’t bother
If you enjoy AM radio with endless commercials sandwiched with small bits of content, you’ll love this podcast. Just another one in a growing lineup of less value, more grift.
One of the best shows out there !
If there is a better mind in the world of podcasting I have yet to find it Protect Pete at all costs !
Excellent! Thought Provoking
Pete Quinones is a great thinker who has helped shape my thoughts towards politics and power. I thoroughly enjoy this podcast!
Pete Quinones Has Cojoñes
Grande Cojoñes. I never understood log cabin Republicanism until I listened to this program.
Great Show
Pete always has interesting topics and guests. He's a great interview and is one of few hosts that lets the guests talk and doesn't interrupt them.
Nole mercy
Pete you’re a real one ☝🏿. I’m a black man, and I’ll let you know, if I was in a crowd of other blacks and we were hanging, you would still be my friend 💪🏿
S. Maney
Great Insights!
Definitely worth your time. I never thought I would get an education on certain…(((questions))). But I sure did here!
Helen Keller was not born blind deaf and mute. This happened to her after having Scarlet Fever at 19 months old. Check your facts! Of course she was probably promoted as an icon in the disabled community and used by the media.
Great show!
Hey Pete check out “The Spanish Black Legend” it’s about the propaganda spread about Spain by its enemies.
Good show. Interesting guests.
I like Pete a lot. I don’t understand how he isn’t a libertarian still, because it seems like his current views are still pretty libertarian (90% of zoomer libertarians identify with his views more than, say, CATO. Maybe it’s a generational thing? Go to the Mises Institute, they all have similar ideas to Pete.) I love the one-off episodes with new guests, especially discussing sort of niche topics (South Africa, Italian anarchists, etc.)
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Mind expanding
Pete has introduced me to schools of thought, with insightful breakdowns, that I would never have even know to explore. I am a far better thinker and hopefully person for it. I am now listening to older episodes and the trajectory is fascinating to experience and interesting to see the growth in Pete and myself.
Great convos
Have been enjoying the conversations over the past few months, keep up the great work!
March 19th Show: the J(im)s & B(ean)s
Great Show. Highly recommend, especially the Race War High School Series. One note on 3/19 show: 1) Approx. 22 minutes in you guys discuss how late 20th century minorities benefited from affirmative action, particularly minority business loans, gaining access to multitude of small businesses in major cities, particularly after White flight. The outfall of this was resentment between various minority groups, culminating in the 1992 LA riots, & the Korean Kowboys. In many ways, the wild wild west is still wild. 2) 38 minutes. Don’t forget the Detroit 1943 riots—that’s right, during World War II. 3) A good book on Affirmative action in general, but particularly on how different groups either benefited or were victimized of AA at various times in US history, is The Affirmative Action Hoax by Steven Farron. 4) Another great piece on this general topic, which I believe you can find on Mises website, is “White Privilege?” by Hugh Murray. It was written in 1999, but feels as if it was written yesterday. It’s a great essay on the faults of the civil rights movement, civil rights acts, civil rights bureaucracy, EEOC, disparate impact origins & enforcement, & overall growth of antiwhite/anti-male culture.
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Francis, Samuel
Incredibly Based
This has become my go to listen when I see a new one pop up and the Thomas777 shows are epic. Thanks for giving the liberty minded politically homeless a place to go.
Chef’s kiss of dissident political content
Consistently the best podcast on my menu. If you like to walk on the “dissident” side, Pete never disappoints.
Great show
Great show
Used to be Better, still good
Thomas777 is brilliant, but the constant “ahh uhms ahhs” makes his episodes unlistenable
Thanks Pete
I’ve been listening to your show for a few months. Through my political journey I felt like I fell somewhere between libertarian and right wing. Your views and your guest’s views have helped me understand libertarianism and conservatism much better. Also, huge props to Thomas777 That was an incredible series
Listen to this podcast if you
Excellent podcast. Pete Quinones is not afraid of looking at reality and re-examining any potential ideological purity (not that there is necessarily anything wrong with ideological purity, per se). This show has great guests and it dives into fascinating books & topics. It’s definitely worth a listen.
Reason and Rights
Great show
Great show !
Ep 650
Episode 650: This is why you guys ( libertarians) Silent bob is your fearless leader ? Rambling incoherent babble And who the F is that bubbling run on sentence nonstop idiot (in the bathroom sounding audio) who you keep telling to stop talking over silent bob And what’s up with the snide comments about jews ?
not your lacky
A week without Pete is a bad week.
Highly recommended
I’m relatively new to the podcast and I thought I’d give it a try. Pete has become one of my favorite podcasts very quickly. Episode 715, just two guys talking, but I had a wide smile on my face the whole time, and I would break out laughing out loud in the gym as I listened! All episodes are thought provoking but if you have a good time listening, so much the better. I highly recommend Pete Quinones!
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On the right path
If you makeThomas777 a weekly co-host I’ll subscribe for the rest of my life.
Bane of Ignorance
Love the show as always, especially the recordings of the livestreams. Keep up the good work Pete.
Right Wing Liberty for the thinking man.
Congratulations! You’ve finally found the adults in the political room!
A case study in the libertarian-to-alt right pipeline…
I’ve been listening to Pete since his Free Man Beyond the Wall days, before he decided to rebrand as a not-so-crypto fascist. Initially, I appreciated the sophisticated analysis of political theory from Marx and Mao to Mises and Rothbard that he and his guests often offered. Sadly, I have witnessed his descent from agorist to neoreactionary collectivist. This show has essentially just become edgy propaganda for anti-libertarian principles and causes. Pete sounds like he is genuinely going through something on a personal level, and I hope he finds the help that he needs. Enough of this for me, though!
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Dr. Dres shreds
Right Wing Pete is Best Pete
Over the course of the last two years, I began realizing how delusional anarchist libertarians are and started searching for more grounded political analysis/praxis. Pete seemed to move in the same direction at the same time.
Its hard
I like Pete but my god he thinks he is a genius who is gonna change the world and everyone else are fools. Yea Pete a lot of people are not doing anything to achieve liberty, and neither are you. Go rent a Ryder truck or you are the same as everyone else. Relax tough guy.
That is all. Its a laughable podcast that I hope is satire. I would add that the podcast is filled with esoteric rhetoric using definitions that are not widely accepted.
One of the best
Pete is one of the best interviewers out there; not only are his guests stellar thinkers but it’s his own insights and real-time evolution that really make this show. This should be in everyone’s podcast rotation.
Episode 644 at 18:32 is misread misquoted and misinterpreted throwing your entire analysis off .. it states “We do NOT mean to imply that primitive cultures are inferior to ours” ……. You weird emphasis on “DO” while leaving off ‘not’ is a bad vibe
ZDJ rituals
Best Podcaster since Mance Rayder
Pete is the best
Deacon Jones Wife
Great information resource
Pete does a great job presenting ideas and then giving real life answers from people living in the real world. Keep up the great work!
History Podcast junkie
Thank you!
Just thank you!
It’s a libertarian show but not a Libertarian🏳️‍⚧️🌐🏳️‍🌈🦎™️ show.
Great podcast
Awesome podcast. Peter is very knowledgeable and has on a variety of guests who also know their stuff!! Definitely recommend this pod.
FA Hayekian
One of the most honest and fascinating liberty podcasts
What I admire most about Free Man. Is that you can literally feel how genuine Pete is. Never change brother!
Marshal Forward
Not at all true
Pete libertarianism does not say you can’t buy out politicians, why would you think it does? Libertarianism is about decentralization and freedom, that’s it. Secondly stop generalizing libertarians were not all like the prags we can live in reality and still have principals and still bend those principals in a way that works in reality without changing our principals. You think your no longer talking about libertarianism but you are and it’s hilarious. No matter what you say Pete your still a libertarian and everything you’ve said in your recent episode is libertarian *shrug*
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Brock The Rock Story
Good On political issues
Great podcast for the libertarian position on most everything. Lots of information to chew on. Goes completely off the rails when it comes to his understanding or discussing biblical Christianity and the Bible. So just ignore any of that or just don’t listen to those episodes or topics. Its cringe worthy! But you will enjoy most other discussions quite well if you are seeking a view outside the typical left v. right paradigm forced on us everywhere else.
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587 Scott freeman
Scott soft pedals the Chinese totalitarian regime. On the genocide issue he maintains ignorance since it’s in the far western area of China. Invite someone who’s experienced the harsh reality as a counterpoint
Best Pod Out!
Peter is the man! Took forward to all his work! The man with reason. Please run for Prez
hairy D peterson
Great shows *****
Just found this
So far great stuff
Who can I believe?
So everything that Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro says and thousands of history books are all lies then? That’s what your saying? Why not have a public debate then? Because I respect both of you guys and and there is evidence that shows both theories
It’s great
It’s so great
New intro music is good.
Stop whining about the old music being gone.
Edgy. Real. Valuable dissenting perspective.
Mance/Pete has impressed me and while I don't agree with all of his opinions he has challenged and swayed my perspective multiple times.
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