You know those horror movies where you keep yelling at the screen because the protagonists keep doing the most obviously stupid things? The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) is very much that movie. These kids pick up hitchhikers in the middle of nowhere. They go into houses alone with strange men. They agree to meet the sheriff at a secondary location. They hide in abandoned meat factories. So for this episode, we spend most of our time discussing these and countless other red flags that occurred throughout the film. We also talk about Kipper the Dog, lasagna brains, "Jassa" Dugger, and our Not-Listening eras.
Sep 5, 2022
1 hr 16 min

Did you know that the fourth installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise features not one but *two* future academy award winners? Well, we're guessing the people watching this film in 1995 didn't see that coming either. Despite turning over cannibalism for pizza parties, this film has all of the violence and gore that you would expect, as well as dinosaur skeletons and the Illuminati. Don't worry about it! We'll also talk about belt dresses, Little Ceasar's, and the Anti-Semitic Point of No Return.
Aug 19, 2022
1 hr 11 min

We're back! And we're ready to dive right into The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3. This one teaches us that we should never take the Cowboy's Route, and give us a lot to think about in terms of when something becomes soup. It also gives us a look into an entirely new side of the Sawyer family that raises more questions than answers. We'll also talk about pocket chainsaws, sustainable cannibalism, and Californian underwear.
Aug 5, 2022
1 hr 12 min

It's been a long time. Like, a really long time. But the masked monsters have stopped chasing us, and we will be returning from our hiatus soon!
Jul 24, 2022
1 min

We're back with more from our 100th episode! In Part 2 we'll cover HALLOWEEN (2007) and A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (2010), read some more listener messages, reveal the giveaway winner, and spend some time looking towards the future of Freaky Franchise. Thank you all for listening and making 100 episodes (well, 101) possible!
Dec 5, 2021
1 hr 18 min

We've finally made it to 100! Join us as we take a look back at all of the movies we've watched, read some messages from our listeners, and discuss the remakes of THE AMITYVILLE HORROR (2005) and FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009). If you're listening to this when it's first released, there's still time to send us a message for Part 2! https://forms.gle/ceHWBuFAHHZqBGxg9
Nov 19, 2021
1 hr 25 min

In this episode we discuss The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part II, a spoof sequel that came out 12 years after the original. As you can imagine, that makes this one a little different than the typical second film. We've still got Leatherface and the rest of his cannibalistic family (even Grandpa!), but now they're terrorizing all of Texas and turning people into chilli. We'll discuss whether this is a bad spoof or too good of a spoof, and talk about the importance of a cool nickname (something everyone in this film has). We'll also talk about email logins, chilli cookoffs, purse trash, and dorito meat.
Oct 30, 2021
1 hr 12 min

This week, we're heading back almost 50 years to cover the earliest film we've ever talked about and one of the most well-known: the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. We'll discuss the many, MANY red flags that pop up in this movie, and try to figure out why Leatherface is the only one who achieved fame when he's got a whole family with their own unique murder-related passions and skillsets. We'll also talk about different types of grave robbing, armadillo skeletons, the retrogradation of various planets, and prickly pear varients. We're coming up on 100 episodes! Send us a message for the 100th and be included in a giveaway.
Oct 8, 2021
1 hr 11 min

After 5 proms (well, 4 proms and 1 private party in a former monsatary), slashers, ghosts, stalkers, a demon-possessed priest, and a whole bunch of murders, we are finally ready to wrap up this franchise. We'll discuss themes of sexism, harassment, revenge and comeuppance, and who takes you home. We will also be joined by high school teacher and co-host of The Parentacons, Jason Stark, to talk about prom.
Sep 24, 2021
1 hr 8 min

We're back with the final Prom Night movie, and we've realized that this one is much less about ghosts and avenging someone's death, and much more about an incompetent police system. Is it the worst movie we've watched for the show? Not even close. Is it the most frustrating? It very well might be. But at least these kids finally get to have their prom at a fancy hotel instead of the school gym. We'll also talk about bell boys, prophetic dreams, Danny Fenton, and tap dancer's instincts.
Sep 11, 2021
1 hr 12 min
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