Fraser Valley Focus Podcast

Fraser Valley Focus

Events Plus Management Ltd.
Let’s talk about the place we love to work, live and PLAY, the Fraser Valley outside of Vancouver, Canada! Arts, music, business, health, housing, politics, food/spirits, environment, education, local sports, and more!
Going on Hiatus!
This has been an exciting year for us here at Events Plus Management Ltd. Being in the events management industry, we’re always looking for new ways to support the Exhibitors at our shows, the Fraser Valley Wedding Festival and the Westcoast Small Home Expo. When we were unable to host our shows last year, we started this podcast partly as a way to help not only some of our Exhibitors, but also other community organizations and small businesses gain a little extra exposure. We’re proud of what we’ve produced, and we’re so grateful that you’ve joined us for 42 episodes – almost exactly a year! Now that our beautiful province is opening up again, we’re also looking forward to getting outside and enjoying the sunshine. We’re taking a hiatus, so you won’t hear from us for a few months. In the meantime, we invite you to join us at our upcoming events, foremost in that list being the Fraser Valley Wedding Festival, coming to the Abbotsford Clarion Hotel and Conference Centre, at 36035 N Parallel Rd, on Sunday September 26th. You can learn more about this event and others coming up this fall, at Before I sign off for the summer, I’d like to offer some brief but heartful thanks to some special people. Firstly, to my producer Heather Rodland, who is the hardworking force behind the scenes. She is a wealth of connections and information, and too shy to be on the microphone with me. She has become a treasured friend, and I get to work with her even more now, on our shows and other ventures. My sincere thanks also to my husband Geoff, who has listened carefully to my edits on every episode, and been very supportive of many early mornings and late evenings to help produce content, not to mention all of his valuable input regarding questions, editing, and hosting. And to his sister Barb, the owner and captain of Events Plus, and of this podcast, for believing in yet another one of my crazy ideas. More thanks to our entire team at EPM, including Kim, Robyn, and everyone else who pitches in whenever needed.  Lastly, a HUGE thanks to all my special guests! I hope that if we haven’t been fortunate enough to do so yet, that we can all meet in person soon! What incredible, inspirational, and truly interesting people all of you are! I’m so grateful to each of you for your time, your energy, your faith, and your kindness. How lucky am I, huh? Stay safe everyone, see you out in the Valley!
Jun 15, 2021
3 min
Lessons of a Food Truck, with Ryan Moreno of Joseph Richard Group
If you love to cook, you’ve probably fantasized about running a food truck! The freedom to move to where the people are, the sunshine beaming down on you and your hungry customers, and a flexible menu on a chalkboard that changes with your mood. All of that is pure fantasy, of course. Work in a commercial kitchen is hot, sweaty, and exhausting. Even if that kitchen has wheels under it. But you never know until you try, right? Well, speaking of trying new things, my guest today is one half of the partnership that spawned Joseph Richard Group – you’ll recognize the names of some of their 25 establishments, names like Oak and Thorne Pub, S and L Kitchen and Bar, the Buck and Ear, The Italian Osteria, the Study, and the Steveston Cafe and Hotel. They are a major employer in the Fraser Valley. And it all began when two besties from elementary school became bartenders, and liked it so much that they decided to open their own establishment. Lately, they’ve rolled into some unusual partnerships and projects, like a popup patisserie, or offering brunch kits for making special meals at home, opening up their parking lot to a plant company, and, last but not least, a food truck. It’s not what you may think, however!  Today we have a chance to pick the brain of an entrepreneur who has walked a sometimes crazy road to build his company. With plenty of lessons like partnering with other businesses, supporting indie makers, and keeping employees engaged in tough times, this guy has some pretty interesting stories that have taught valuable lessons. Please welcome my Guest, Ryan Moreno! Joseph Richard group of restaurants and more: Phoenix Society story about partnering with JRGroup: Phoenix Flame BBQ truck on Twitter: #fraservalleyrestaurants #localfraservalleybusiness #fraservalleyemployers #fraservalleycatering #fraservalleyfoodtruck #surreybcfoodbank #fraservalleyfoodbank Primary: #fraservalleyfocus #localpodcast #localcontent #keeplocalalive #podcast #canadianpodcast #canadiancontent #bcpodcast #lowermainland #surreybc #langleybc #whiterock #deltabc #abbotsfordbc #aldergrovebc #langleycity #langleytownship #chilliwack #hopebc #yvr #vancouverbc #supportlocal #shoplocal #tuesdaytalks Secondary: #interviewday #tuesdaythoughts #localvoices #acrossthevalley #businesstobusiness #realtalk Additional Keywords podcasting local radio stations podcasts online fm radio online radio stations fm radio podcast website radio apps fm radio app fm radio stations podcast app online radio stations podcast radio free fm radio apple play radio live radio stations apple radio podcasts android local radio online local radio app live fm radio listen to radio live stream radio am radio stations listen to local radio Additional Music in this episode from, Crowander, “Joy In The Restaurant“.
Jun 8, 2021
23 min
How A Company That Started On Someone’s Coffee Table Went Global, with Alexandria MacFarlane of Truly Lifestyle Brand
If you have a dream to build something that’s your very own – a small business that you can grow, whether it starts as a side hustle and becomes your full time gig, or if you’ve just got an idea that won’t go away, today will hopefully have some nuggets for you! It’s funny how often during the course of this podcast that we’ve run across a company or a personality that we know as a national brand, and then it’s revealed to us that they are based right down the street, in this case, right in Cloverdale! Many small businesses have roots here, and while not all of them actively advertise themselves as locals, they are always proud to talk about it. Today my guest is someone with a story that’s starting to sound somewhat familiar: she needed a product for herself, and when she couldn’t find it, she went out and made it. (I should also add that many of these businesses seem to get started by women, right?) So what happens if you have a great product or small business – how do you grow that to something that you can sell to the world? We’re going to ask for some of the backstory and some specific steps she took to grow her local business from right here in Cloverdale. Please welcome Alexandria MacFarlane of Truly Lifestyle Brand! #beautybusiness #veganproducts #crueltyfree #fraservalleybusiness #cloverdalebc #cloverdalebusiness #rapidgrowth #bcbusinesses #womenledbusiness Primary: #fraservalleyfocus #localpodcast #localcontent #keeplocalalive #podcast #canadianpodcast #canadiancontent #bcpodcast #lowermainland #surreybc #langleybc #whiterock #deltabc #abbotsfordbc #aldergrovebc #langleycity #langleytownship #chilliwack #hopebc #yvr #vancouverbc #supportlocal #shoplocal #tuesdaytalks Secondary: #interviewday #tuesdaythoughts #localvoices #acrossthevalley #businesstobusiness #realtalk Additional Keywords podcasting local radio stations podcasts online fm radio online radio stations fm radio podcast website radio apps fm radio app fm radio stations podcast app online radio stations podcast radio free fm radio apple play radio live radio stations apple radio podcasts android local radio online local radio app live fm radio listen to radio live stream radio am radio stations listen to local radio Additional music from Free Music Archive, “Who Would Have Thought”, by Crowander.
Jun 1, 2021
28 min
Discovering local trails in the Fraser Valley, with Katrina Abram and Jenny Quilty of Pacific Pine Running Co
We are so very, very lucky to live where we do. The Fraser Valley consistently ranks as one of the most liveable, accessible, inclusive, and most beautiful places on earth. And with spring now in full swing, now is the perfect time to get outside and discover the stunning places right outside our back doors. If you’ve been trying to get outside more lately, but aren’t quite sure where to begin, this is the episode for you! Today we’re going to talk about some easy beginner walks that can be done with kids, and if you’re a runner, we have some excellent tips for you to take your daily jog up a notch, and try trail running. My guests today are two ladies who are on a mission to bring as many people as possible to the trails of the Fraser Valley. They coach and provide running workshops, along with organize trail running races in Mission, Manning Park, and Chilliwack, with a focus on safety and building confidence! They are also the ladies behind the popular free Facebook group for women, The Trail Posse. Please welcome Katrina Abram, and Jenny Quilty of Pacific Pine Running Company! Resources: Jenny and Katrina’s company, Pacific Pine Running Co (including race information, coaching, workshops, and helpful tips): City of Abbotsford Trails Chilliwack Park Society Fraser Valley Mountain Biking Association Chilliwack Outdoors Club Walking Local Trails on Crown Land The Ten Hiking Essentials (YouTube link to another Fraser Valley Hiking YouTube Creator, and friend of this podcast, Benton Sorensen.) Trail Forks App AllTrails App Hikes Near Vancouver – the website Strava Running App   #hikingthefraservalley #fraservalleyactivities #fraservalleyfamilies #momtime #getoutside #walkthefraservalley #hikethefraservalley #trailsofthefraservalley Primary: #fraservalleyfocus #localpodcast #localcontent #keeplocalalive #podcast #canadianpodcast #canadiancontent #bcpodcast #lowermainland #surreybc #langleybc #whiterock #deltabc #abbotsfordbc #aldergrovebc #langleycity #langleytownship #chilliwack #hopebc #yvr #vancouverbc #supportlocal #shoplocal #tuesdaytalks Secondary: #interviewday #tuesdaythoughts #localvoices #acrossthevalley #businesstobusiness #realtalk Additional Keywords podcasting local radio stations podcasts online fm radio online radio stations fm radio podcast website radio apps fm radio app fm radio stations podcast app online radio stations podcast radio free fm radio apple play radio live radio stations apple radio podcasts android local radio online local radio app live fm radio listen to radio
May 25, 2021
29 min
Fighting Period Poverty In The Fraser Valley With The Sahaara Foundation
If you’ve heard of period poverty, you probably heard about it related to other countries, mostly overseas. Period poverty refers to the ridiculously high cost of purchasing sanitary products for menstruating women, like pads and tampons. I’ll bet most men don’t realize that the cost to purchase pads for most girls between 15 to 20 years old can run up to almost $20 a month, and often more. All this for something as necessary as toilet paper. And don’t forget, there’s tax on top of those prices. For disadvantaged women and girls, this represents a major obstacle. And there are very real health risks associated with not having enough supplies – the type that can cost our already-burdened health system. Today, I’m talking to a group of women who decided to do something about this issue. While one of them was in nursing school, she realized that the problem of period poverty exists here at home, in Canada, not just in other countries. She and two friends set up a seasonal campaign to gather supplies and assemble period kits that they then gave away. The idea took off, and now they have created a nonprofit foundation to provide period kits that are distributed to local food banks, homeless shelters, and similar organizations in the Abbotsford area. Please welcome Yush Sahota and Virpal Gill! Welcome, ladies! Additional Resources: Chatelaine article: Sahaara Foundation aims to erase ‘period poverty’ from Abbotsford   #periodpoverty #period #menstruation #periodtax #endperiodpoverty #endperiodshame #endperiodstigma #periodpositive Primary: #fraservalleyfocus #localpodcast #localcontent #keeplocalalive #podcast #canadianpodcast #canadiancontent #bcpodcast #lowermainland #surreybc #langleybc #whiterock #deltabc #abbotsfordbc #aldergrovebc #langleycity #langleytownship #chilliwack #hopebc #yvr #vancouverbc #supportlocal #shoplocal #tuesdaytalks Secondary: #interviewday #tuesdaythoughts #localvoices #acrossthevalley #businesstobusiness #realtalk Additional Keywords podcasting local radio stations podcasts online fm radio online radio stations fm radio podcast website radio apps fm radio app fm radio stations podcast app online radio stations podcast radio free fm radio apple play radio live radio stations apple radio podcasts android local radio online local radio app live fm radio listen to radio live stream radio am radio stations listen to local radio Music included in this episode: From, Ketsa “Sand Dunes”.
May 18, 2021
31 min
Lessons of a Life In Professional Sport, with Shoshauna and Will Routley of Healthy Hooch
For any parent that has stood shivering in the rain on the sidelines of a soccer field, and told themselves they were doing something great for the kids, well, it turns out, you were absolutely right! Sports teach us a multitude of lessons: everything from how to pass the ball – or a task – to the next team member, how to get back up after a fall, and how to be a good coach, also known as leadership skills. Many of these lessons cannot be learned any other way. Being part of a team or individual sport teaches adults and kids about life, and as it turns out, business. My guests today come from the world of professional road cycling. She and her husband raced and traveled all over the world for more than 10 years, before retiring and immediately starting a business. Those years on the road, pushing through obstacles and learning how to achieve their goals, all added to their knowledge base so that they could imagine, start, and diversify their business together. And today, they are raising their family in Abbotsford. Please welcome the founders of Healthy Hooch Kombucha, Shoshauna and Will Routley!  Episode specific keywords: #roadcycling #prosports #sporttobusiness #healthbusiness #nutritionbusiness #proathlete #cycling Primary: #fraservalleyfocus #localpodcast #localcontent #keeplocalalive #podcast #canadianpodcast #canadiancontent #bcpodcast #lowermainland #surreybc #langleybc #whiterock #deltabc #abbotsfordbc #aldergrovebc #langleycity #langleytownship #chilliwack #hopebc #yvr #vancouverbc #supportlocal #shoplocal #tuesdaytalks Secondary: #interviewday #tuesdaythoughts #localvoices #acrossthevalley #businesstobusiness #realtalk Additional Keywords podcasting local radio stations podcasts online fm radio online radio stations fm radio podcast website radio apps fm radio app fm radio stations podcast app online radio stations podcast radio free fm radio apple play radio live radio stations apple radio podcasts android local radio online local radio app live fm radio listen to radio live stream radio am radio stations listen to local radio Additional music credit this episode:
May 11, 2021
23 min
Writing During the Pandemic with Alison Tedford
In the last year, I’ll bet you’ve adopted some new hobbies, like perhaps knitting, baking sourdough, or rearranged your furniture for the ten thousandth time? Or, maybe you’re one of the many who took advantage of this time to get writing! Whether it’s a novel, a memoir, nonfiction or something mashed up from any other genre, today we’re talking with a writer who wrote not just one, not two, but THREE books during the pandemic, and they range in type and style, as well as including a virtual writing project. My Guest today is a woman whose work in advocacy and social justice has been showcased on CBC, Aljazeera, and magazines like Today’s Parent, Westcoast Families,, and Huffington Post, as well as many more. All of her work centres on themes like inclusion, indigenous culture, feminism, and diversity. She’s also starting a clothing line, as well as being involved in a feminist coffee startup called “Subversive Sips”. Her book “Chronic Profit – Building Your Small Business While Managing Persistent Pain”, has just been released from Vancouver publisher Self-Counsel Press. Please help me welcome Alison Tedford!    Sparkly Shoes and Sweatdrops Alison’s website Alison’s book on Amazon   #pandemicwriting #keepwriting #keeponwriting #powerofwriting #powerofpersuasion #writing #bcwriter #yvrwriter #fraservalleywriters Primary: #fraservalleyfocus #localpodcast #localcontent #keeplocalalive #podcast #canadianpodcast #canadiancontent #bcpodcast #lowermainland #surreybc #langleybc #whiterock #deltabc #abbotsfordbc #aldergrovebc #langleycity #langleytownship #chilliwack #hopebc #yvr #vancouverbc #supportlocal #shoplocal #tuesdaytalks Secondary: #interviewday #tuesdaythoughts #localvoices #acrossthevalley #businesstobusiness #realtalk Additional Keywords podcasting local radio stations podcasts online fm radio online radio stations fm radio podcast website radio apps fm radio app fm radio stations podcast app online radio stations podcast radio free fm radio apple play radio live radio stations apple radio podcasts android local radio online local radio app live fm radio listen to radio live stream radio am radio stations listen to local radio
May 4, 2021
22 min
Hyper-local Foodie Tourism in the Fraser Valley, with Lise of Chew On This Tasty Tours
It’s the PERFECT week to talk about this, don’t you think? Like you, I was not surprised to hear Dr. Henry and Minister Dix ask us not to travel outside of our health authorities. But instead of seeing that as a limitation, I’m fascinated by everything we have to explore safely right outside our own front doors! I hope you’ve rediscovered that great take-out place down the road from you, or perhaps you bought a birthday cake for a friend from that elegant bakery a few blocks over. There are some really special, one-of-a-kind family-owned small businesses in our Valley. Today, we’re going to highlight some of these gems with someone who loves to show them off. My Guest today is a true local expert, with a local’s knowledge of the Langley and Fort Langley areas. If there’s a cool secret, a cozy little nook, a pastry or gourmet treat that will melt your heart, she knows about it. Her business “Chew On This Tasty Tours” offers walking tours for foodies in the Fraser Valley, and if you’re looking for a viral-worthy Instagram moment, you need to know about her. Coming to you from White Rock, please welcome my Guest Lise! Tips for writing reviews on Google Maps: Here are Google Maps links to all the restaurants mentioned in this conversation: Downtown Langley: The Raving Gamer Bistro (Uni Japanese oven pizza and more) Roots and Wings Distillery Festina Lente Winery and Meadery Aside: Campbell Valley Park Camp Beer Company Haven Kitchen and Bar Food By Fanta Red Velvet Cafe Multicultural: Ban Chok Dee Thai Cuisine Saba Cafe and Bistro, Chef Simone An Indian Affair Chef Dal’s Poke, in Salt Lane in Downtown Langley Donair Hut Suitable for Families with Kids: Rocky Point Ice Cream, at Farmhouse in Provence Kitchen and Home Red Velvet Cafe Brogan’s Diner Romantic Spots: Little White House & Co Annora Restaurant Music used in this episode is from the Free Music Archive, “Take Care” by Crowander, and “Street Food” by Satellite 4.   Keywords:  
Apr 27, 2021
21 min
Modern Marriage That Lasts, With Rev. Sophia Ducey of the United Churches of Langley
This year, I’m going to celebrate my 30th wedding anniversary. While my marriage is far from perfect, I consider myself very lucky. Not only because he does laundry – hold yourselves back, ladies – but because I’ve seen friends struggle in their own marriages, and I know that it’s not easy. Marriage today is very different than it was 100 years ago, 50 years ago, or even 10 years ago. What does it take to plan a good marriage, and stay together? My guest today is someone who knows about marriage – she has been the officiant for over 100 weddings in the US, Canada, and even Russia! She’s a rather a-typical pastor at a church that describes itself as being pluralistic, relevant, and inclusive. She knows that the typical Sunday service isn’t a primary way for many people to gather. Her self-description includes words like, “alternative” and “transformational”. She’s also the co-host and producer of a new podcast called “Shift”, which we’ll link to in the show notes for this episode. Her organization, the United Churches of Langley, has an open-door policy, and will marry any couple who have made the conscious decision to have a life together. They have a written policy of what they call “radical hospitality and support” to ALL couples, characterized by equality, mutuality, understanding, and flexibility. Please help me welcome the Reverend Sophia Ducey! Welcome, Sophia! The SHIFT podcast: Sophia is Pastor of The United Churches of Langley: #marriage #marriagethatlasts #fraservalleyweddings #fortlangleyweddings #howtostaymarried #stayingtogether #togetherforever #makelovelast #fraservalleyfocus #localpodcast #localcontent #keeplocalalive #podcast #canadianpodcast #canadiancontent #bcpodcast #lowermainland #surreybc #langleybc #whiterock #deltabc #abbotsfordbc #aldergrovebc #langleycity #langleytownship #chilliwack #hopebc #yvr #vancouverbc #supportlocal #shoplocal #tuesdaytalks #interviewday #tuesdaythoughts #localvoices #acrossthevalley #businesstobusiness #realtalk podcasting local radio stations podcasts online fm radio online radio stations fm radio podcast website radio apps fm radio app fm radio stations podcast app online radio stations podcast radio free fm radio apple play radio live radio stations apple radio podcasts android local radio online local radio app live fm radio listen to radio live stream radio am radio stations listen to local radio Music: Seeking by Monk Turner, and Just Be Love by Kris Roche, both from the
Apr 20, 2021
30 min
Exploring Italian Culture Through Food, with Mamma Marzia
Do you dream of lasagna? Cannelloni? Pasta e fagioli? (I sure do.) And I’m sure I’m not the only one. I mean, everybody loves Italian food. Everybody! Even if you don’t consider yourself a cook, I’m sure you can throw together a little penne and olive oil once in a while. There’s so much to know about Italian culture: the geography, the climate, the ancient history, the religion, and of course, the shoes! And today we’re going to explore that through talking about food with someone who teaches and writes about authentic Italian cuisine, right here in the Fraser Valley.
Apr 13, 2021
21 min