Organized by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, this year’s Labor Day family retreat took place at the St. Iakavos Retreat Center in Kansasville, Wisconsin. The speaker was Fr. Stephen Freeman, author of the blog “Glory to God for All Things” and the book Everywhere Present. He is also the host of the podcast Glory to God.
May 2, 2023

Organized by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, this year’s Labor Day family retreat took place at the St. Iakavos Retreat Center in Kansasville, Wisconsin. The speaker was Fr. Stephen Freeman, author of the blog “Glory to God for All Things” and the book Everywhere Present. He is also the host of the podcast Glory to God.
May 2, 2023

On October 20, 2018, the Orthodox Book Center of Christ the Savior Orthodox Cathedral in Miami, Florida, hosted Fr. Stephen Freeman. The title of his presentations was “Face to Face: Shame and Our Encounter with God.”
May 2, 2023

On October 20, 2018, the Orthodox Book Center of Christ the Savior Orthodox Cathedral in Miami, Florida, hosted Fr. Stephen Freeman. The title of his presentations was “Face to Face: Shame and Our Encounter with God.”
May 2, 2023

Adam and Eve famously hid from God in the Garden after they sinned. God sought them out, calling Adam by name. After the Resurrection, Christ appears to His disciples in an unpredictable manner. We ourselves are told to “ask,” to “seek,” and to “knock.” There is a mystery in this movement of hiding and discovery that marks both the lives of sinners as well as the life of God. What do we make of this? What is its purpose. How do we cooperate in a helpful manner?
Each of the talks will explore aspects of this dynamic.
May 2, 2023

Adam and Eve famously hid from God in the Garden after they sinned. God sought them out, calling Adam by name. After the Resurrection, Christ appears to His disciples in an unpredictable manner. We ourselves are told to “ask,” to “seek,” and to “knock.” There is a mystery in this movement of hiding and discovery that marks both the lives of sinners as well as the life of God. What do we make of this? What is its purpose. How do we cooperate in a helpful manner? Each of the talks will explore aspects of this dynamic.
May 2, 2023

Adam and Eve famously hid from God in the Garden after they sinned. God sought them out, calling Adam by name. After the Resurrection, Christ appears to His disciples in an unpredictable manner. We ourselves are told to “ask,” to “seek,” and to “knock.” There is a mystery in this movement of hiding and discovery that marks both the lives of sinners as well as the life of God. What do we make of this? What is its purpose. How do we cooperate in a helpful manner? Each of the talks will explore aspects of this dynamic.
May 2, 2023

On four consecutive Tuesdays in October, 2014, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary hosted its annual fall lecture series. Fr. Stephen Freeman, author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe and the popular blog Glory to God for All Things, was one of the speakers.
May 2, 2023