It takes practice to be healthy and we have to remember to give ourselves grace to learn and grow from the lessons we learn about nutrition.
Wouldn't it be nice to take a step away from real life and just practice a healthy lifestyle with zero distractions. Let us tell you how!
The post EP 85 Low-carb Paradise appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Jul 11, 2022

With his nutrition coaching certifications, he specializes in low-carbohydrate lifestyles, including ketogenic and carnivore diets. He has helped thousands of clients over fourteen years learn how to achieve their best lifestyle through movement, lifestyle management, and proper diet.
The post EP 84 Casey Ruff | Boundless Body TM appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Jul 8, 2022

Dr. G @LowCarbivoreMD said it best.
"It's pretty rare to meet an obese patient who doesn't blame themselves and feel deep shame about the condition."
We break down what shame really is and how we navigate the road to healing at ThreeHealth.
"You can't shame yourself skinny" - Brandy Wiltermuth, NP
The post EP 83 Shame vs Guilt appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Jun 27, 2022

Take a more holistic approach to fat loss! We want you to move well, eat nutritional foods, and emotionally benefit from our Wellness Retreat in Maui this October.
The post EP 82 Relax, Recharge, Refresh appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Jun 18, 2022
27 min

Brandy, Alexis, and Marlene show you how to break down goals into bite sized pieces so you can lower your expectations in the best way!
The post Ep 81 Expectations appeared first on For Fats Sake.
May 3, 2022
22 min

Brandy, Marlene and Alexis team up to talk with Tara, a patient with ThreeHealth to discuss her experience and what she has learned along her journey to better health. Many of our patients are experts when it comes to diets but what happens when we challenge everything they know including dieter mentality? Tara shares how we changed her mind and her lifestyle, forever.
The post EP 80 Patient Interview Tara appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Apr 19, 2022
40 min

What is a realistic expectation and why are we always so far off from it? What does eating burnt toast mean? Means a lot when you're the only one eating it. Brandy, Alexis and Marlene chat about weight, body image, toast and it gets deep.
The post EP 79 Don’t Eat the Burnt Toast appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Apr 5, 2022
43 min

Dr. Landerholm joins the ThreeHealth team for a conversation about Weight Loss Surgery and the incredible success patients have when surgical intervention meets medical and behavioral.
The post EP 78 Dr. Rob Landerholm appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Mar 28, 2022
32 min

Brandy and Alexis take a moment with Jim Howard on how the Biosense Ketone Breath Meter can used in a clinic setting. ThreeHealth is the first clinic to use as a Biosense in a medical setting to empower patients to take more control over their health. Tracking real data to ensure accurate biofeedback using sustainable lifestyle changes following a lowcarb, ketogenic diet.
The post EP 77 Exclusive Interview with Jim Howard appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Mar 7, 2022
37 min

Dr. Brian Sung, FACS, FASMBS, brilliant Bariatric surgeon answers questions on weight loss surgery. Shares the newest innovations in treatment for excess body fat and the best options available to you in 2022!
If you're interested in seeing Dr. Sung for a consult, find out more about his practice or just want to explore other options Dr. Sung and his team have to offer:
The post EP 76 Dr. Brian Sung Bariatric Surgeon appeared first on For Fats Sake.
Mar 1, 2022
39 min