Jason and Dan
via Podcasts
Put it in your ears and thank me
This is my favorite podcast not named Real Films. These guys just have a realness to them.
Not Tom Selleck
Long time listener
I’m re listening to the October 2016 shows about anthology movies because I’m in the Halloween spirit Jason and Dan always get me in horror and Halloween mood
I love this podcast because, not to be bias, but I am so proud of my Dad, Jason for keeping with this podcast and making people have a good time like me. I have been in a few and hope to be in more. Love listening to whatever movie that they review and that I have seen especially.
Flicks is the best movie podcast. Informative and the hosts do a great job of reviewing the movie! Highly recommend!
Make NOTES Dan?
Anyone who thinks this is the best movie podcast ever obviously has never listened to Now Playing Podcast. Jason is great, but Dan... Last episode I listened to was the SW Eps 3 episode with Steve Glosen (episode 274). I haven't seen much if any improvement. I would recommend making NOTES. It seems like you're always doing things on the fly. Now maybe you've improved since Dec 2015 idk, maybe I should give a newer episode a chance.
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The Flicks Podcast ROCKS!!
I weld stuff for a living and it can be quite boring. We can listen to our iPods while we work so that’s what i do. Other people listen to music. I listen to “Flicks Podcast.” It’s a great podcast for the film lovers. I look forward to work only for the reason that i can listen to their reviews and rants about Batman v Superman rumors lol. Been listening sense the hell storm of amazing movies in the summer and i recommend this for the movie lovers. 5.5 out of 5.
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Der Barlow
Why I stopped listening to Jason (flicks)
Flicks has been a podcast I've followed for years. I've enjoyed Film in focus I've even tried show me the Winston. The problem and why I've grown to dislike this podcast is Jason's ego. Episode that made me tap out was dawn of planet of apes , 27 mins in and Jason is done with his soapbox how everyone but him is a idiot. Btw the news feature should be moved to the end because it dates your podcast and detours new listeners. Dan makes good comments but when it goes against Jason he turns into a yes man. Do more research and stop trying to convince listeners your opinions. Really 12 monkeys was sooo crazy and unique!? What scene!?
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Retrodigital la
I was turned onto this podcast as well as its sister cast, Film In Focus, recently. I have devoured 8 episodes of each so far and I'm pretty impressed. I really enjoy the contrast between the two, where Flicks has a more narrow focus on one movie and Film In Focus has a broader scope on the craft itself. I can't pick a favorite, but I am very happy to have new podcasts to listen to. Jason & Dan do an excellent job of expressing their opinions in a way that makes you feel like you're sitting around with friends just talking movies, one of my favorite things. Keep up the great work gentlemen.
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A Podcast Of Friends
It's like listening to a room of friends talking and I just can't talk back. It's very relaxing and fun to listen to these guys chat and get along and tease each other.
Alot like a Mary Shelly novel.
How does one describe Flicks? the best way to explain it is to compare it to Frankenstien. Jason (the host) is a lot like Doctor Frankenstien in that he's smart, knows his craft and yet tends to have a god complex. Dan his faithful sidekick is alot like the lab assistant Igore. Forever loyal, agreeable, and is often forced to compliment the assumed god like brilliance of Jason. Though the monster itself is either the show or an allegory for Jason's ego. All in all if you think that the Nerds of Lambda Lambda Lambda are rapist sex fiends, Top Gun is a chick-flick, and your not invested in Zombie Land. Then you've found your home.
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Great Podcast
Flicks podcast is awesome! I love listening to these guys review the movies. I love going to the movies and wanted to find a podcast that reviews the movies as a fan (not a critic). These guys are entertaining, informative and interesting to listen to. Their love for movies comes through on their podcasts. You can tell that they enjoy going to the movies and love talking about them. It's also cool that these guys have been friends for a long time, which makes it more enjoyable to listen to them discuss movies (with their easy-going and fun conversations among each other). Can't wait to hear more Flicks!
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The bees knees.
The only film podcast I listen to, and you should too.
Cashin from ND
Fun and Laid Back
This show is a favorite of mine. They review movies and talk about the things they like and hate about the film. It's fun and entertaining and the reviews they give are generally spot on. If you want a fun and laid back podcast to listen to about films, this one is for you!
Just want to give Flicks podcast a deserving five star review.
Great Podcast!!!
Such an enjoyable podcast..Just give this podcast a try and you'll be hooked! Great job Jason and Dan!
I listen because Dan is terrible.
I generally have a lot of fun listening to this podcast. I listen to hear Dan ramble and awkwardly contradict himself. I enjoy listening to Dan backpeddle so that he can agree with whatever Jason is saying. I also enjoy when Dan makes ludacris contradictory remarks and gets called out by Jason. I find Jason to be smart and thoughful in his movie reviews. Dan is passive, bumbling and easily overpowered by Jason. This podcast would seriously benefit from having Dan always give his opionion of a movie first. Otherwise, you can expect that he will agree with whatever Jason is saying (which makes for a less interesting podcast.) I also agree with another reviewer that it is quite annoying that Dan will repeat single words that Jason will say. So odd.
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Lady Cockatoo
Good Podcast, but...
It seems that Dan plays "yes man" to Jason. Jason says something, Dan quietly agrees. Jason says a word, Dan repeats the word. I'd like for Dan to talk more and give his insight. It's a fun podcast though and I love the movies that you guys pick.
Just a great podcast.
I enjoy this podcast for the past year or so since I have been listening. Funny, smart, and educational take on films. Impress your friends. Become a subscriber before they do. oneluv.
Macca McManus
Great movie podcast with some music
If your looking for fun reviews of movies with some music playing this is your podcast. The two man host Jason and Dan always have great conversations of movies like pump it up to current films like hunger games. As well they play good music mixed with the show. So if you like fun movies check these guys out..
I always look forward to this Podcast, along with it's sister casts of Film in Focus and Show me the Winston. Serious yet light-hearted enough to enjoy on my daily commute the guys always keep me entertained. All in all hours of fun.
I love this podcast The hosts are intelligent but goofy and serious but fun! This is definetly one of the most worth while podcasts to listen too!
Its good times
This podcast is ggod times. it makes you think about points in movies that you may or may not have thought about. Its fun to hear how other people feel about movies new and old. also see how they hold up past the times. Dan and Jason are two really great guys and have fun doing this. anyone who give there free time to others are ok with me. give it a hear, your in for good times. Indeed.
Five star podcast
This is a great podcast 5 stars Jason and Dan. You guys have made a diference in podcasting because I'm hopeing to start my own
Going Anywhere
Great podcast about movies that really will go anywhere. Jason and Dan are knowledgable about the movies they discuss. Its fun and inciteful. They even take movie requests and put them into their discussion lineup. As an example, I suggested Office Space and Grosse Point Blank (their most recent reviews as of when I wrote this).
Jon in Murray Utah
Entertaining and enjoyable movie reviews
If you are interesting in very entertaining and knowledgable movie reviews, this is the podcast for you. Jason and Dan do a great job of recapping and discussiing movies of all genres. I heard them both as guest hosts on The Crossroads podcast - a podcast dedicated to the hit TV show Supernatural - and they were so entertaining I decided to give Flicks a try. I am so glad I did. Keep up the great work guys...I am slowly catching up! Lynn
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Indeed this is a great podcast! indeed. Indeed Jason and Dan pick a new movie each week to discuss in a very fun fashion. Indeed. Indeed Flicks is for a listener who is looking for a fun time, and lets be honest maybe a little geeky. Indeed Indeed listeners should enjoy talk about hamburgers, Ghostbuster, and KITT (you know that car that talks...). Indeed Indeed I like it!!! INDEED -ShutUpTim
i really enjoy this podcast great job jason and dan if i can give ya more stars i will
You guys rock!!
I love your podcasts I have been listening to the knight rider shadowy flight one and wanted to tell you I'm a huge fan. You guys are awesome!!!! Knight Rider and the movies I love forever!!!
Dan is the best!!
Dan is the best podcast host ever!!!! Oh ya and Jason's ok too I guess hehe. Flicks is the only podcast about movies I listen too, besides Jason's other podcast, Film In Focus. If you love movies, this podcast is right up your alley! Five stars all the way!
The Super Ty
Awesome Podacast
Great job by Jason & Dan. A must listen to by any movie fan. The guest host are awesome additions.
Coach Monroe
One of my favorite podcasts!
I am very selective when it comes to podcasts, but this one is one of my favorite. I am always pleased to hear their oppinions on movies I love or are interested in. Keep up the good work!
The Ugly
As a fan of Film in Focus, I decided to check out Flicks and thoroughly enjoy it. Jason and Dan are very entertaining and are always insightful and knowledgeable about the movies they discuss. They are hilarious and always make me laugh. If you enjoy sitting back and listening to a podcast about entertaining movies, I would highly recommend giving Flicks a download.
Awesome and Fun Podcast
If you love movies and like to have fun, then these guys are who you should be listening to. Jason and Dan do a good job with this podcast, along with thier other show, "The Shadowy Flight" on the Knight Rider TV Series (new and old). Check them out, you'll be glad that you did. -Jay (Salem, OH)
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