Fit Rebel Radio Podcast

Fit Rebel Radio

Jose Espinoza
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This is where we discuss how to take back control of your life and own your health back. Support this podcast:
Ep.6 Moving Forward From Failures
Whether we realize it or not, when we are not happy with the outcome of our actions, it's because we have allowed ourselves to not learn from failures. We have allowed the same chaotic cycles to consume us, but do not assess the situations to make shifts to move the needle of progress forward. --- Support this podcast:
Aug 12, 2021
19 min
Ep 5. Do You Have All 3 (The Trifecta of Health)
Recently I posted in my social media about these 3 things and asked, "which one do you struggle with the most" The responses were interesting. In todays podcast we cover these 3 things and dive into each one. Check it out. --- Support this podcast:
Jul 31, 2021
31 min
Ep 4. Our 90 Day Rebel ReBUILD
In this episode Allison and I discuss what is the 90 Day Rebel ReBUILD, how we have made improvements to it and who its for. For more information on the program and connect with us: --- Support this podcast:
Jul 24, 2021
25 min
Ep 3. You Can't Want It For Them
Today I cover a topic many of us have experienced, and have learned from. Sometimes the best thing we can offer to loved ones is support and accountability and wait for them to have desire to change. Find all my links and social media connections here: --- Support this podcast:
Jul 22, 2021
24 min
Ep.2 Reasons or Results
You ever wonder what the first thing that your conscience says when you are asked, "Why you have not reached your goal?"  These reasons can be so self destructive to us without realizing it. I witnessed this first hand with my 14 year old daughter playing competitive sports and have experienced it myself as a fitness and nutrition expert trying to get find my way. --- Support this podcast:
Jul 7, 2021
13 min
Accepting Guidance ....
Although many stand alone at the top of mountains of success, what is not told are the stories of those that assisted them in the journey. --- Support this podcast:
Jul 1, 2021
20 min