First Day Podcast
First Day Podcast
The Fund Raising School
The Fund Raising School is excited to launch the First Day Podcast from The Fund Raising School! Highlighting current news and research, this podcast provides fundraisers with the latest information in fundraising and philanthropy. Be more informed and stay up to date with the First Day Podcast from The Fund Raising School!
Household Giving & A Growth Mindset
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. discusses the complexities of household charitable giving, aiming to dispel concerns regarding its purported decline. Stanczykiewicz begins by dissecting the oft-cited statistic that only 50% of households make charitable donations, suggesting that this figure may not accurately reflect the willingness of individuals to give. He challenges fundraisers to adopt a more inclusive approach, emphasizing the importance of reaching out to donors across all economic strata and recognizing the generosity of donors regardless of the size of their contributions. Furthermore, Stanczykiewicz explores alternative perspectives on household giving behavior, pointing to the phenomenon of "bunching" where donors strategically consolidate their contributions to maximize tax benefits. He highlights the significant increase in donor-advised funds as another factor influencing charitable giving patterns. Despite varying survey results, which paint a nuanced picture of giving rates, Stanczykiewicz urges fundraisers to maintain a growth mindset, emphasizing the potential for impactful fundraising efforts to inspire generosity. Drawing on real-life examples, such as the heartwarming story of Demar Hamlin's crowdfunding campaign, which raised millions for children in need, Stanczykiewicz underscores the power of storytelling and community engagement in driving philanthropic action. Through informative and insightful discussions, "The First Day" provides valuable insights and strategies for fundraisers seeking to navigate the evolving landscape of charitable giving.
Jun 9
11 min
Presidential Elections Impact on Fundraising
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Patrick Rooney, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Economics and Philanthropy at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, to discuss the impact of presidential elections and other world events on charitable giving. Dr. Rooney shares insights from decades of research, revealing that presidential campaign contributions have a negligible effect on overall philanthropic donations. Despite record amounts spent on elections, these contributions remain a small fraction of total household giving, and people typically separate political donations from their charitable contributions. Dr. Rooney also addresses the effects of natural and man-made disasters on charitable giving. While such events often lead to a temporary increase in donations, this surge usually lasts only a few months and does not significantly impact long-term giving trends. He emphasizes that philanthropy is a core American value that persists through economic cycles and personal financial disruptions. Even during major economic downturns, like the Great Recession, charitable donations decrease but do not disappear, reflecting the resilience of philanthropic behavior. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of fundraisers maintaining an abundance mentality. Dr. Rooney encourages fundraisers to focus on building long-term donor relationships and to seize opportunities to engage donors, even during election years or in response to disasters. By adopting a proactive approach, fundraisers can ensure a steady flow of charitable contributions and continue to drive their missions forward, leveraging the robust and enduring nature of American philanthropy.
Jun 2
18 min
Major Gifts Are Not Enough
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Jessica Browning, MBA, Principal and Executive Vice President at the Winkler Group. They discuss the complexities surrounding major and mega gifts in fundraising. Jessica acknowledges the significant contributions of major donors like McKenzie Scott while also highlighting the pitfalls of over-reliance on such gifts. She underscores the danger of neglecting mid-level and smaller donors, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a diverse donor pipeline to sustain long-term fundraising success. Moreover, Jessica discusses the shifting trends in philanthropy, including increased giving from foundations and the impact of changes in tax laws on donor behavior. She stresses the need for fundraisers to educate their boards on the importance of donor retention and the value of inclusive fundraising practices. By focusing on stewardship and understanding donors' passions beyond surface-level interactions, organizations can cultivate deeper relationships with donors across all income levels. Overall, the episode encourages fundraisers to adopt a balanced approach that values both major and smaller donors while prioritizing donor stewardship and inclusivity. By diversifying fundraising strategies and fostering meaningful connections with donors, organizations can build a sustainable foundation for long-term philanthropic success.
May 26
15 min
Need New Donors? Look To Millennials
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D., sheds light on the evolving landscape of donor demographics, particularly focusing on Millennials. Contrary to common misconceptions, recent economic data suggests that Millennials are not only financially stable but thriving. They are emerging as significant donors, surpassing Generation X in charitable giving per household. One key indicator of Millennials' growing influence is their increasing homeownership rates, signaling stability and potential for increased charitable contributions. Surprisingly, Millennials also show a preference for traditional fundraising methods, particularly direct mail, amidst the digital age. Furthermore, research highlights Millennials' inclination towards cause-driven and relational giving, emphasizing hands-on involvement and impact in philanthropy. They seek meaningful engagement and are eager to contribute their expertise and resources to charitable causes. The podcast emphasizes the importance of recognizing and engaging Millennials as prospective donors, challenging outdated perceptions, and tapping into their philanthropic potential. By understanding their preferences and motivations, organizations can effectively cultivate relationships and expand their donor base to ensure long-term sustainability and impact in the nonprofit sector.
May 19
11 min
Fundraising Together: The Power of Collaboration
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Diane Kaplan, Senior Fellow at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. In a revealing discussion on the nuances of nonprofit collaboration, Diane shares her insights from her extensive experience with the Rasmuson Foundation. She illustrates the power of strategic partnerships in leveraging the foundation’s impact far beyond its initial financial capabilities. Starting from its roots as a small bank in Alaska, the Foundation under Kaplan’s leadership, utilized collaboration as a key mechanism to expand its influence and effectiveness in serving the community. Kaplan elaborates on the Foundation’s strategic approach to broaden its reach and impact through active collaborations across Alaska and beyond. By initiating the "educational tour of Alaska for grantmakers," the Foundation not only showcased the unique challenges faced by the Alaskan communities but also successfully attracted substantial external funding. This innovative approach resulted in over $400 million in contributions aimed at addressing local needs, demonstrating the significant potential of well-orchestrated partnerships in philanthropy. Highlighting the lessons learned through these collaborations, Kaplan stresses the importance of having all parties involved contribute and learn from the philanthropic process. She points out that physically bringing potential donors to see the challenges and opportunities firsthand radically improves understanding and commitment to support. This model of engagement has not only facilitated substantial financial support but has also fostered long-lasting relationships between various stakeholders, enhancing the overall effectiveness and sustainability of philanthropic endeavors in Alaska.
May 12
18 min
New Data For Fundraising Campaigns
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Amy Eisenstein, ACFRE and Steven Shattuck of Capital Campaign Pro, a unique platform designed to revolutionize traditional fundraising campaign consulting. Capital Campaign Pro assists nonprofit leaders in running their capital campaigns by offering a robust support system that includes an online toolkit, expert advisory, and peer group coaching. Their innovative approach is centered around training leaders to conduct their own donor interviews, thus maintaining transparency and strengthening donor relationships, a stark contrast to conventional consultant-led interviews where a third-party intermediary might inhibit open communication. During the discussion, concerns about donor candidness in the presence of nonprofit representatives were addressed. Contrary to the worry that donors might withhold true opinions, Amy and Steven argued that direct interactions actually enhance dialogue authenticity and effectiveness. They asserted that familiar faces can elicit more genuine and detailed feedback, which is vital for the success of any campaign. This method not only builds trust but also fortifies long-term donor relationships; pivotal for ongoing support. The podcast also looked into recent empirical research conducted by Capital Campaign Pro, which underscores the effectiveness of their methods. The study indicated a high success rate of 96% for campaigns utilizing their model, with the majority of these campaigns not negatively impacting the organizations’ annual funds. Interestingly, the data revealed that campaigns are equally successful regardless of the organization's size, encouraging smaller nonprofits that they too can achieve significant fundraising goals. This insight is particularly impactful, demonstrating that strategic, direct engagement and tailored support can empower all nonprofits to successfully navigate the complex landscape of capital campaigns.
May 5
15 min
Donor Advised Funds: The Latest Data
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Danielle Vance-McMullen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at DePaul University and Dan Heist, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Brigham Young University shared key findings from their extensive research on Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). Conducted in collaboration with the Donor Advised Fund Research Collaborative, their study included data from over 50,000 accounts and partnerships with 110 DAF sponsors. They uncovered that DAFs are predominantly utilized as mid-range philanthropic tools, with baby boomer generations being the primary contributors. Despite concerns about potential misuse for tax benefits, their analysis showed that only about one in nine accounts receive contributions annually, indicating broader philanthropic intentions. Furthermore, the research highlighted the frequency of grant distributions from DAFs, with over 60% of accounts making grants annually and about 80% within a three-year period. These grants support various charitable causes, with a significant portion being unrestricted, allowing for flexibility in addressing community needs. Additionally, the study revealed that most DAFs have succession plans in place, ensuring continued charitable impact even after the original donor's passing. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights into the behavior of DAF donors and emphasizes the importance of understanding the evolving landscape of philanthropy. The findings underscored the diverse motivations driving charitable giving and the role of DAFs in facilitating impactful grant-making to support communities and causes.
Apr 28
17 min
Planned Gift Fundraising: Busting The Myths
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Christy Boysen, MA, CFRM, FCEP, the founding CEO of Apex Legacy Consulting, who has extensive experience in advising nonprofits on planned gifts. Boysen emphasized that while planned giving, such as setting up charitable remainder trusts, appears complex due to its involvement of various professionals like lawyers and financial advisors, the process can be simplified through collaborative efforts. She highlighted the benefits of planned giving not only for the donors, who can make significant tax-efficient contributions, but also for their families and the charities they choose to support. Throughout the discussion, the need for education and engagement in planned giving was stressed as essential for overcoming the common reluctance among fundraisers. Boysen suggested that fundraisers should be proactive in learning about different planned giving vehicles and engage with donors through open-ended questions that align with their values and interests. This approach helps in uncovering opportunities for planned gifts, which are often overlooked due to the myths surrounding their complexity and the upfront effort required to understand and manage them. Lastly, the podcast addressed the strategic importance of incorporating planned giving into overall fundraising efforts. Boysen argued that by educating both staff and donors about the simpler forms of planned giving, such as including a nonprofit as a beneficiary in wills or insurance policies, organizations can expand their support base significantly. The episode concluded with a call to action for fundraisers to adopt a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to fundraising, recognizing the potential of every donor to contribute through planned gifts, thus ensuring the financial sustainability and growth of their organizations.
Apr 21
18 min
Donor Stewardship After The Event
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Jamila Trimuel, Founder and CEO of Ladies of Virtue, an organization dedicated to empowering young girls in Chicago. They discuss the critical role of fundraising events within their overall strategy. Initially, their annual "Leading with Virtue Cocktail Reception" accounted for up to 50% of their budget, raising around $200,000 through corporate sponsorships, ticket sales, and auctions. While still important, the event now contributes 10-20% of their budget, signaling a strategic shift in fundraising tactics. Beyond the event itself, Ladies of Virtue emphasizes the significance of post-event donor engagement and stewardship. They maintain relationships through various means, including personal meetings, virtual events, and launching a monthly giving campaign. Their approach involves thanking and involving key stakeholders like the host committee and honorees, ensuring continued support and involvement beyond the event. This ongoing engagement has been instrumental in the organization's growth, with their budget expanding from $40,000 to $1.5 million. Jamila highlights the evolution of their fundraising strategy, emphasizing the importance of long-term relationship-building over one-off events. She advises fundraisers to focus on profiting from events while also considering the broader impact and opportunities for engagement throughout the year. This podcast episode underscores the power of effective donor stewardship in sustaining and growing nonprofit organizations like Ladies of Virtue, offering valuable insights for fundraisers seeking to maximize their impact.
Apr 14
20 min
Helping Your CEO Fundraise
In this episode of the First Day Podcast, host Bill Stanczykiewicz, Ed.D. is joined by Ron Schiller, Founding Partner and Senior Consultant at Aspen Leadership Group. In a detailed exploration of the dynamics within nonprofit organizations, particularly between the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Development Officer (CDO), the podcast looks at the evolving landscape of fundraising and leadership. The discussion underscores the critical nature of the CEO-CDO partnership in not just propelling the organization's fundraising efforts but also in enhancing the job satisfaction of both roles. The dialogue reveals that successful fundraising is increasingly seen as a collaborative endeavor that demands a deep understanding and appreciation of each other’s capabilities, highlighting the shift towards a more integrated approach in leadership roles within the nonprofit sector. The podcast also sheds light on the changing expectations placed upon CEOs regarding their involvement in fundraising activities. It notes a significant increase in the time CEOs devote to fundraising, reflecting a broader trend across various sectors of the nonprofit industry. This evolution signifies a growing recognition of the importance of fundraising proficiency in the selection and performance of CEOs. Furthermore, the conversation brings to attention the expanded role of CDOs that extends beyond mere fundraising to encompass a wide array of responsibilities such as board engagement, financial planning, and internal politics navigation. This expanded scope underscores the need for CDOs to possess a diverse skill set to effectively manage the complex facets of development and organizational growth. Finally, the podcast emphasizes the importance of adopting an approach to fundraising, advocating for a shift away from traditional transactional methods towards a model that views philanthropy as a partnership. This paradigm shift aims to mitigate common apprehensions toward fundraising by fostering a collaborative environment that aligns the interests of the organization with those of its donors. Through sharing insights and engaging in honest communication, CDOs are encouraged to serve as vital liaisons, facilitating a deeper understanding of the organizational landscape for their CEOs. This approach not only enhances the fundraising process but also enriches the overall organizational culture, paving the way for more successful and fulfilling partnerships.
Apr 7
15 min
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