The sparks of revolution have just started taking hold. America was just the beginning. In the first of a five part series, we will see how the flames of revolution begin in France.
Oct 4, 2021
18 min
The ideas of the Enlightenment have sparked a change in thought. What happens when these sparks fall on a people ripe for change? The flames of revolution begin here. This is the story of how the Enlightenment influenced the American Revolution, and ultimately the American nation.
Sep 12, 2021
16 min
What weapon is the most powerful throughout history? One powerful enough to change people, nations, and governments? An idea. Our journey through modern world history begins with the spread of an idea.
Aug 17, 2021
14 min
Maybe, just maybe you were in school, learning about history. It was super boring and you decided from that day forward history wasn't for you. If that sounds familiar, or resinates with you even a little bit, this podcast is for you. History made easy. It's a conversation about the big ideas and how they connect to your world today.
Aug 17, 2021
2 min