Finding your Story Podcast

Finding your Story

Xenia Marcinko
I believe it all starts with ourselves. So, in this podcast I want to invite you to start with you.. Who are you? All the things you want to create starts in you. Heart, mind, spirit. Me, I don’t know who am I yet, or where I will be, or how my future is going to be. I decided to give it a break on worrying about that. Instead, I figured that the more I look inside myself, the more i get to know and the inspiration just comes up. Because creativity is a connection, a connection you create by knowing you. My name is Xenia Marcinko, Let’s dig it.
Connecting the Dots! | Finding your story | Ep.4
Let’s play!! 😃🙌🏻   Have you ever played connect the dots??  It’s a kids game where you draw lines until you uncover the final image.  So in today’s episode I want you to play connecting the dots of your life!    Why?    Because doing that exercise you fill find the highlight stories that made you the person or brand you’re today!    Ready?    Let’s dig!
Oct 16, 2021
6 min
Binging you! | Finding your story | Ep.3
I just watched 8 hours of a series on Netflix.   A full season  In a day.    Has it happened to you?   Let me tell you something, you can be Netflix too!    You can learn how create content for you, your brand and your business so people will be willing to binge watch you!    How?    Listen to the episode!
Sep 26, 2021
9 min
It's about you! | Finding your story | Ep.2
It's about you, it's not about your product A creative way to sell your brand it's turning the conversation about you and the other person you are talking to, instead of making it about your product.  How?  When you sit with yourself and you find the answers to why you started and why are you doing it. You also find the key stories to share when you are selling your brand.  An example?  Listen to the video!  Let's dig it!
Sep 19, 2021
9 min
Let's Remember! | Finding your Story | Ep. 1
Today we are going to remember!  I believe that in our memories we can find specific turning points to spark our creativity.  Something we experienced, something we did, something we learnt that we can hold and bring into the present moment.  In this episode I tell you a personal story that let me see something in me I have forgotten.  And because of that memory I remembered how I used to be and many tools that I can use now to be and feel creative.  Let's dig it! 
Sep 12, 2021
6 min