Ever since I was little, I knew that my life was going to be different and above average. I had a vision for myself. But as I grew up, and life got more complicated, that vision became a little construed and morphed into something else...something even better than I had imagined. I started listening to God's voice and discerning what was meant for me and what wasn't. Chasing your purpose can be frustrating at times, but I truly believe that everyone has a purpose and it's up to us to find out what that is. I'm not where I want to be just yet, but Lord knows I am far from where I was.
May 11, 2020
30 min

My entire life, I was searching for love in all the wrong places. It wasn't until my last relationship ended, 5 years ago, that I decided enough was enough and that I needed to change. I've been through some dark times, and have definitely experienced painful heartbreaks, but what I've learned from all of these experiences is that God wasn't punishing me, He was saving me. He pulled me out of every bad relationship, & removed people from my life because they were not meant for me. This year, I promised God that I wouldn't date because I wanted to re-devote myself and fall even more in love with Him and myself. The BEST decision of my life. I know there are so many other women out there who feel as though they may never meet their soulmate, but I wanted to tell you that God LOVES YOU SO MUCH SIS that He refuses to give you less than what you deserve. Don't look at it as a negative, recognize how blessed you are that He is taking His time with you - you're that special.
Apr 16, 2020
43 min

The last few weeks in my life have been filled with a great deal of reflection, & refocus. I believe that God has given us this time to remember who we are, and what our purpose in this world is. Often times when life is a little rocky, we tend to forget that we are children of God and that He has created us all to be amazing, strong beings. I want to encourage all my beautiful ladies to continue standing firm in your faith, and truly tap into being a Kingdom Woman, especially during this season. For the longest time, my definition of what it means to be a woman of God was chopped and screwed and revolved around perfection. But through my experiences, I've learned that what defines a Kingdom Woman is her courage, strength & resilience.
Apr 9, 2020
19 min

In the midst of all the fear we’re facing right now, I just wanted to encourage you guys to focus on your faith! Don't let the noise, and news of the world and others distract you from the power of prayer. What I've learned is that, in our most difficult times, God speaks to us the loudest and clearest. If we give Him room to work within us, and through us, He can fix any and all things. My prayer circle hasn't always been strong, but in the midst of all my darkness, I learned to hear His voice more and more. He speaks to us in so many different ways, but we will never know it unless we cultivate a strong relationship with Him. How do you do that? Talk to Him! Sit in prayer!
Note: In this episode I mentioned a book, the title is "The Circle Maker," by Mark Batterson, not "Prayer Circle."
Mar 17, 2020
32 min

Whew. It has been 4 long years since I've started my walk with God. Although I am head over heels in love now, it didn't quite start out like that. I’m so thankful that God waited for me, & has held my hand the entire time, as well as put up with my countless shenanigans. Where I am now spiritually, & where I was, are two completely different places & I sharing how it all began on this very first episode.
Mar 8, 2020
42 min

Hiii & welcome to my podcast! After so many years of struggling, we are FINALLY FAITHFUL. God has taken me through & pulled me out of so many storms - We’ve had our ups and downs, but it ultimately led me to the beautiful relationship I have with Him now. People always talk about God’s grace & His glory, but I wanna tell you how I got there. I hope that by sharing my personal story, you will be inspired on your own walk with God. I’m gonna be real & raw because it’s not always rainbows, & sunshine & Travis Greene blasting in the background. You’ll hear about all my dark days. Days that I was uncomfortable & didn’t understand what God was doing - sometimes still don’t! There were tears surpassing rivers, & unbearable emotional mountains I climbed. God has tested me over & over again & He’ll do the same with you, but believe that the love and blessings He is going to give you in return, will be worth it.
Feb 28, 2020
7 min