Filmoholics Identified Podcast

Filmoholics Identified

Brenden Bendorf
Brenden Bendorf loves movies and loves talking with his friends about movies... so he started a podcast.
Interview the Host
This week on the podcast you guys got to interview me! I had friends and family on social media ask me some questions that I answer on this episode of the pod. Some are very silly and some are sincere. Give it a listen!
Sep 14, 2020
56 min
Instead of a formal episode this week I am going dark in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. It is important that we continue the discussion of anti-racism in America. Black Lives Matter period. Use the time now to support and elevate black voices. Below are some resources and suggestions for how you can continue doing the work every day that is necessary to continue on this path. Podcasts Larry Wilmore: Black on the Air Code Switch Disruptors in the Culture Films NYTimes Great Movies by Black American Directors Books How to Be An Ally Other Resources Register to VOTE Donate to Black Lives Matter Donate to the NAACP
Aug 31, 2020
1 hr