Film Pro Productivity & Success
Film Pro Productivity & Success
Carter Ferguson
via Podcasts
Great Show!!!
I listened to the episode 127 "List Your Weaknesses" and i must say Carter delves deep into the power of self-analysis, reminding listeners that understanding their strengths and weaknesses is the key to unlocking true excellence in their pursuits. Recommended!
Vanessa Jones287
Life Changing podcast for PTSD-Plus humor, excellent quotes & information!
There are not enough words to describe how much I have enjoyed Carter Ferguson’s podcast! They have absolutely changed my life in so many wonderful ways, and I highly, highly recommend them to all listeners! Great information for professionals, creatives, and those of us with PTSD, ADD and looking for better mental health and a successful and productive life-excellent quotes also! The first podcast I listened to was #22 on Rumination. Repetitive thoughts. I have PTSD and have been on a very long journey trying to get help for it. When I was young, a woman was run over by her own car in front of me. Going thru some traumatic experiences in the last few years have caused my PTSD to show up unlike any time before. I kept seeing the woman get run over by her car. I have been going to doctors for over 2 years trying to get help. Carter’s podcast could not have come at a better time in my life and I am so thankful for him. Podcast 22 changed my life and I have been able to complete tasks and accomplish many goals in the last 6 months, and I feel so blessed and thankful! His Scottish accent and great sense of humor will have you laughing out loud and before you know it, the minutes have flown by-very entertaining along with being informational! HIs podcast are full of excellent information on productivity and success, how to handle certain relationships, toxic people and many, many more great topics. I just scrolled down and listened to the first one that jumped out at me, and then hopped around for a little bit. I suggest picking topics that do the same for you and choose things that will apply in your life. All of them are wonderful! Enjoy listening! Thank you #CarterFerguson and #Angus 😎🐶🤗🤗
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Not just for filmmakers...
Just discovered this podcast via mentions on Twitter, and LOVE it. The focus is definitely on productivity and success and the tips and tricks translate to any endeavor, not just filmmaking. It's especially timely for me as the isolation and disruption caused by the Covid pandemic stretches into its second year. I listen during walks in the morning and find it a great way to start my day. Highly recommend.
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Kathy Holzapfel
Enjoyable and Helpful
I have just come across his podcast and have been binging it. It’s an enjoyable listen and helpful. I have started some of his advice for my everyday life and it has been helping. Even my wife has noticed an improvement.
Food for all thoughts
I am not in film production but I enjoy the podcasts and can easily apply the content to every day scenarios. Enjoy!
Funny how these things find you
After thirty years in the business I've suddenly reached burn out. I've comprimised my health, my sanity, my family, and my availability to the small pleasantries in life to follow the adrenaline addiction that is the film business. Don't get me wrong, there have been some incredible experiences along the way and I have met some amazing people, but I've lost my balance. Searching for guidance towards a new direction I stumbled upon this podcast. I've only listened up to episode two, but I'm intrigued.
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Carter’s podcasts are extremely informative and helpful for all. Regardless of the industry you’re in.
Useful for everyone!
I just listened to the latest episodes and loved it! There will be information in each episode that anyone can use in their daily life no matter what their career or walk in life. Carter's narration is crystal clear, and his voice is very pleasant to listen to. Oh yeah, what he says is worth listening to also. Very well done! I have subscribed and will be listening to all episodes! AWESOME PODCAST!!!!
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The Film Pro
You don’t have to be in the film business to appreciate what is being said in these segments. Listen to what is being said. Brilliant