Fill Me In Pod Podcast

Fill Me In Pod

Peter Cheema
We discuss the past week's world events with our buddy Tay - who is generally unaware of the world around him.
BONUS EP - Shortbread Shittalkin'
In the bonus ep "Shortbread Shittalkin'," we discuss: i. Potato Potåto Facts ii. Social Media School Suspensions iii. Florida Man Fax Machine iv. FC Seoul Soccer Scandal v. Karen Gutierrez - "I Don't Need a Mask" vi. 'Harvard or Wal-mart' Factoid of the Day
Sep 26, 2020
55 min
S2E14 - The Frontlines and the Necklines
In "The Frontlines and the Necklines," we discuss: i. Hairstylist Appreciation Day ii. Potato Mountain iii. Gorilla Suit Sex Predator iv. Drag Racing the Cops v. The askReddit Fetish Roundup vi. 'Oldest Hotel in the World' Factoid of the Day
Apr 30, 2020
53 min
S2E13 - Chilean Intern
In "Chilean Intern," we discuss: i. Earth/Poem Day ii. Oil Take All Of It - The Negatives iii. The Dirt Biker's Paradise iv. Florida Aquarium v. The Haiku Roundup vi. 'Almond Peach' Factoid of the Day
Apr 24, 2020
49 min
S2E12 - Connect the Stripes
In "Connect the Stripes," we discuss: i. Int'l Bat Appreciation/Horny Day ii. Dr. Wizard of Oz Fact Fallacies iii. Shining Star Kyle Walker iv. Mayors and Ghosts Scaring Civilians v. The Whatcha Still Buyin?! Roundup vi. Horse Hair Factoid of the Day
Apr 17, 2020
54 min
S2E11 - Theus, Jack and The Kool-Aid Man
In "Isolated," we discuss: i. Name Yourself Day ii. Archaic Gov't Computer System iii. Belarus Business As Usual - Lots of Vodka iv. The Thai King Does Quarantine Right v. Conspiracy Corner vi. The Straight Up News Roundup vii. CD Warning Label Factoid of the Day
Apr 10, 2020
49 min
In "Isolated," we discuss: i. 3K9 Song Release Party! ii. Locust Apocalypse iii. Ali Baba Shawarma Billionaire iv. Pee Napkins v. OG News Roundup vi. Guinness Beerd Factoid of the Day
Mar 27, 2020
47 min
S2E9 - Tay's Tater Tits
In "Tay's Tater Tits," we discuss: i. Greek Greetings and Let's Laugh Day ii. Conference Call: Office Man Caught Watching Porn iii. March of the Penguins, A Classy Affair iv. Oh Big Brother, Where Art Thou? v. Hysteria Roundup vi. Kelloggs Factoid of the Day
Mar 20, 2020
43 min
S2E8 - Yanker
In "Yanker," we discuss: i. National Blame Someone Else Day ii. Seeds of War - Monsanto Lawsuits iii. Extended Rapid Fire Response iv. Blame Me, Blame Who? Blame You Roundup v. Half Siblings? Factoid of the Day
Mar 13, 2020
47 min
S2E7 - “Set Your Safe Word”
In "Set Your Safe Word," we discuss: i. National Dentist's Day ii. Super Joe Tuesday & Billion Bucks Bloomberg iii. We Can't Not - COVID-19 Update iv. Rapid Fire Response v. MyWeirdDentist Roundup vi. Spare Rib Factoid of the Day
Mar 6, 2020
49 min
S2E6 - The Stool Shoppe
In "The Stool Shoppe," we discuss: i. National Retro Day ii. Scotland's Plan for Period Products iii. Fecal Transplants iv. Rapid Fire Response v. Retro News Roundup vi. Handwashing Factoid of the Day
Feb 28, 2020
45 min