Fidget Podcast


Jason Yu and Adele Therias
Sometimes fun, sometimes educational, Fidget is two friends talking about Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours (BFRBs). We are not professionals / BFRB experts. We just want to share our lived experience in hopes of supporting those affected by BFRBs: whether that’s you or someone close to you. It's a monthly podcast for your BFRB toolbox!Questions? Requests? Ideas for the show? Email us at [email protected]: Support the podcast: do you think? Leave us a review to help reach more people affected by BFRBs <3
Ep 22. It starts in my toes
What&apos;s down those internet wormholes? If we try everything, what will stick? How can we build healthy habits? What would happen if we lowered expectations for ourselves? Guests:Lindsay Carson
Apr 15, 2022
26 min
Ep 21. You've got a friend
Why do we find ourselves revisiting the same topics over and over again? How to we pinpoint the language for our feelings? How do we integrate pain as part of the recovery process? How do we hold other people responsible? How do we choose our responses in the moment?
Mar 15, 2022
59 min
Ep 20. Remember those walls I built
What do secrets do to us? Is everything I believe true? What I feel when I hear my own life come out of other people&apos;s lives? How can we see the beauty of our own nervous system? Is it my job to please everyone? What is the value of self-doubt? How do we get in touch with our own skills? How do we integrate the different facets? What am I trying to prove to others?Guests:Christina Pearson @hasacademyProcess video: info:
Feb 15, 2022
1 hr 1 min
Ep 19. A person that's not even me
How do we set boundaries? How do we practice them? How can we know when they are stepped on? What do we do when they are?Guests:Jo Elizalde, boundary setterEric Callison
Jan 15, 2022
50 min
Ep 18. Don't let a day go wasted
Why do we let the paints sit in the basement? What has a mind of its own? Why is it important to have colour in our life? How can we find our voice? How can we practice imperfection? What keeps you present?Featured guest: Allison Dawrant, @artbyalimac
Dec 15, 2021
1 hr 3 min
Ep 17. Good Rocky's Revival
Why do I know so much about wigs? What value am I putting on my body? Where is this negative self talk coming from? How have I held myself back?Guests:Joyce Tran @pullyoselftogetherBarbara Lally @thetrichsterdiaries
Dec 2, 2021
31 min
Ep 16. I really do think you're strong enough now
Who is the pilot? Who is at fault? What can replace shame? What is more satisfying than a BFRB? How do we organize ourselves? When am I allowed to pull?Featured guest: Ellen Crupi, Director of Awareness at Habit AwareWatch this 4min video to learn how the Habit Aware bracelet works 10% off your order with the promo code FIDGET at
Nov 15, 2021
1 hr
Ep 15. Lean on me
Did I know what I was doing? Why am I sharing my story? What version of myself do I get to know now?Guests:Barbara Lally @thetrichsterdiariesEric Maniloff @techgripesLauren McKeaney @pickingmefdnGordon
Nov 1, 2021
29 min
Ep 14. There will be an answer
What are the underlying conditions of our BFRBs? How do you meet yourself with compassion? What we use as reminders? What does pain push us to do?Featured guest: Aneela Idnani, cofounder of Habit AwareWatch this 4min video to learn how the Habit Aware bracelet works 10% off your order with the promo code FIDGET at
Oct 15, 2021
1 hr 1 min
Ep 13. I wrote it ten times or more
What are the roots of my BFRB? Why do I make things so hard for myself? Is my list going to end? Why do I not know how to ask for help?Featured guests: Saharra Dixon @dramatichealtheducatorAlli Dwyer @allidwyMishel Andrashuna ​@skinstorieswithmishGordonMegan Hunt @mhmeganhuntEric Callison
Oct 1, 2021
21 min
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