Stephen Bevan, Head of HR research development at the Institute for Employment Studies and László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, discuss the impact of COVID-19 in the working conditions, based on the results of the new study about the UK, and compare the main conclusions with the situation in the countries and regions of the European Union. They highlight how the pandemic created the concept of “key workers” and gave rise to new practices like homeworking. The impact on social inequalities and flexibile forms of employment are also discussed.
Bevan and Andor touch upon other important issues related to health at work, and elaborate on wellbeing as well as mental health. They appreciate the endeavour of the EU to create a Health Union provide effective support to member states in their fight against cancer.
Mar 10, 2022
23 min

This FEPS Talks episode focuses on the issue of fair pay in Europe. Building on some key insights and contributions from the brand new policy study “Creating momentum for fair pay: assessing policies with leverage” co-published by FEPS, Fondation Jean Jaurès and Fair Pay Innovation Lab (FPI), one of the co-authors of this publication, Katinka Brose (Senior Strategy Agent, FPI), is interviewed by Laeticia Thissen (FEPS Policy Analyst for Gender Equality). From the many underlying reasons to concrete policy answers seeking to close the gender pay gaps, they discuss some good practice examples in countries like Iceland, Switzerland, Germany, France, Denmark or the UK whilst assessing the opportunities offered by EU policy developments through legislative measures ensuring pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.
Mar 3, 2022
24 min

In this FEPS talk episode Katherine Trebeck, co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, and Andreas Dimmelmeier, Policy Analyst on Climate and Environment, introduce and debate about the concept of a Wellbeing economy. Trebeck outlines what a wellbeing economy means for people, businesses and governments and how it differs from existing views on "the economy".
Feb 23, 2022
25 min

Cedric Wermuth, Co-Chair of the Swiss Socialist Party, engages in a conversation with Ania Skrzypek, Director for Research and Training about why ideological integrity matters so much; how to translate an ambitious agenda for equality and social justice into concrete economic proposals; as also what ways are there to move on from the persistent cliff-hanger in EU – Switzerland negotiations.
Feb 17, 2022
29 min

#113 FEPS Talks: The 21st century starts now: how EU diplomacy can solve the Ukraine-Russia conflict
Dr Reinhard Krumm, Director of the FES Baltic States office, and Dr László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, analyse in this episode the dangerous tensions around the Russia--Ukraine border. First, they go through the last decades and review the main developments in international relations in the last 30 years that brought us to the current situation. They look back to key episodes like the enlargements of NATO, the war in Georgia, and the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Dr Krumm insists on the fact that the discussion on security and defence has never been so intense in this century. He refutes the arguments that we would be going back to the Cold War, because this time there are more actors involved (the rise of China is not irrelevant, even if China is geographically distant from the current conflict zone). Both speakers agree that European diplomacy and negotiations with Russia are essential to solve the conflict, and to reach a new status quo with Russia. Progressive values of security, democracy and cooperation for mutual prosperity should guide EU actions vis-à-vis Ukraine and other countries in the Eastern Neighbourhood.
Feb 10, 2022
35 min

Amandine Crespy, Associate Professor in Political Science and EU Studies, and David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy, discuss in this FEPS Talks episode the main developments of Social Europe over the recent period. Building on Crespy's book "The European Social Question - Tackling Key Controversies", the podcast examines the legitimacy of the EU in this policy area of shared competence. They agree that the EU Pillar of Social Rights was a turning point that helped the current Commission to accelerate on socially relevant policies. After addressing some of the recent novelties - from the European Labour Authority to the Social Climate Fund and the Adequate and Minimum Wage initiative - the experts ponder on the impact that the recovery process and NRRPs plans will have on the coordination of socio-economic policy in Europe.
Feb 3, 2022
30 min

Dr Anneliese Dodds, Chair of the British Labour Party and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, joins Dr Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training in this FEPS Talks episode to speak about the Labour’s vision for Britain 2030. Discussing the new document “Stronger Together”, they explore short term and long-term political challenges, offering the sneak-peek ahead of this weekend’s FEPS – Fabians New Year’s Conference and the panel about the future of social democracy.
Jan 13, 2022
25 min

Professor Andrew Gamble and Dr Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, look at the challenges that democracies in the EU are facing, searching for answers on how to make the ideal persevere, the system reform and the individuals in societies reconnect. Examining the sense of isolation and need for togetherness in the COVID times, they suggest ways in which way progressives should reclaim the debate on state and empower citizens restoring credibility of deliberative processes.
Dec 23, 2021
22 min

Michael Miebach, Chair and Co-Founder of Das Progressive Zentrum, and László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, analyse the legacy of Angela Merkel in Germany and Europe after 16 years in office: her strengths and flaws and her role in decisive episodes like the crisis of the Eurozone or the 2015 refugee crisis. Focusing on the latest developments, Miebach and Andor discuss the reasons behind the SPD victory under the leadership of Olaf Scholz and they also explore the critical issues that the “traffic light” coalition will face in the coming period.
Dec 16, 2021
29 min

Brikena Xhomaqi, Director of the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP), and David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy, discuss in this episode about the right to lifelong learning just after the launch of a Commission’s proposal for a Council Recommendation establishing individual learning accounts. They exchange on how to attain the ambitious EU headline target for adult participation in training and reflect on the need to expand access to formative opportunities. The conversation focused on how to ensure inclusiveness and quality of LLL programs and on the different role of the private, public sector and civil society.
Dec 12, 2021
23 min
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