FBC Smiths Falls Podcast

FBC Smiths Falls

Rev. David W. Stead
Enjoy listening to our weekly church service
July 11, 2021 Prerecorded Church Service FBC SF
There is a man. There. On the road. Just around the bend. Beaten. Bruised. Half dead. "I am too busy to help!" "Get someone else to help, i am not your man!" "Medic! Someone call 911! Oh well! No professionals here." "I am just going to pass by on the other side. Besides, I might become the robber's next victim too. And what good what that do either of us?!?!" And long came a hated member of THAT community. And he had compassion. Are you on the side of your road in life? Do you know that you are supposed to be involved to help others? Do you wish to pretend not to see the needs around you? This is our challenge today. Church Sunday Morning 10:30 am.
Jul 11, 2021
1 hr 20 min
July 4, 2021 FBC SF Prerecorded
Do we really have faith in God? The people of the hometown of Jesus did not. In fact they were "offended" by Him. So they relegated Jesus to being just an ordinary man. The Church is here to proclaim the power of Jesus! He is good! Jesus is Lord! And the world needs to see and hear this good news. Our prayer is that you will be blessed as you listen to this service of worship to our Lord Jesus Christ from First Baptist Church in Smiths Falls, Ontario.
Jul 4, 2021
1 hr 37 min
June 27, 2021 FBC SF
A garden. Gardens represent growth, new life, and hope for the future. The garden of your heart is your soul, and God wants to cultivate goodness and righteousness in your life to give you hope, growth and a future. Will you let Him in?
Jun 27, 2021
1 hr 1 min
June 20, 2021 Father's Day FBC SF 2021
He was huge. Arrogant. Obnoxious. Powerful. A warrior. In front of him was a wee boy. A child. A shepherd. One came armed with human weapons. the other came armed with faith and the power of God. No one would have thought the boy had a chance. Except God. God gave the power to David to overcome fear by faith. Many decades later 12 disciples were in a boat with a sleeping Jesus when a huge storm arose. The wind and waves scared even the most experienced sailor. And Jesus hushed the tempest with a word. and the fear of the disciples was replaced by faith as they stood in the power of God. That power is available for you today too. Are you living in fear? Paralyzed? Overwhelmed? Fear never stands up to the power of God. Your faith will grow today in the power of Jesus - even against fear. Our prayer is that you will be blessed as you listen to this service of worship to our Lord Jesus Christ from First Baptist Church in Smiths Falls, Ontario.
Jun 20, 2021
1 hr 8 min
June 13, 2021
The Prophet Elijah was sent away from Judea to Zarephath by God. And what happened there? He came to the aid of a foreigner... A foreign widow... and her orphan son! Unlikely targets for miracles. But then again the miracle was unlikely too - an endless supply of oil and flour during a terrible famine. Is God sending you? (The answer is yes). God has a call for us all, and the desire to send us to where He knows we are best needed, especially if it is out of our comfort zone. Do you know where your Zarephath is?
Jun 13, 2021
1 hr 16 min
June 6, 2021 FBC SF
Holy Spirit, fall fresh upon me! Of the Godhead, perhaps the Holy Spirit is the least understood. Today we take a brief look at the Holy Spirit of God as we turn to the promise of Jesus, and how that promised Holy Spirit was fulfilled. Our comfort, our guide, our strength, our peace, our support, our con-victor, our reminder, our care giver, healer, helper and friend... Come, Holy Spirit! Our prayer is that you will be blessed as you listen to this service of worship to our Lord Jesus Christ from First Baptist Church in Smiths Falls, Ontario.
Jun 6, 2021
1 hr 22 min
April 11 2021 FBC Smiths Falls
Imitations abound. Fake, Frauds and Phoneys are everywhere. And they all want your attention. they all want you to look away form from the truth. They look good. They look real. But they are deadly, and they lead to death. Here is the truth: Jesus is the Real Thing. Jesus, and nothing else. Don't rely on anyone or any other belief. Only Jesus leads to life.
Apr 11, 2021
1 hr 14 min