Farm Small Farm Smart
Farm Small Farm Smart
The Modern Grower Podcast Network
Entrepreneurship 101 - Poor Enterprise Selection - Episode 6
11 minutes Posted Feb 21, 2020 at 2:30 am.
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Entrepreneurship 101:

Why You Will Fail, Flail, and Falter & How You Can Succeed In Spite of It (A 25+ Part Series)

Episode #6: Poor Enterprise Selection

Each week on 15 FOR LIFE I cover one simple business lesson to carry forward for life.  

When your business runs better and smoother, your life runs better and smoother.  I hope sharing my tips and experiences can help everyone in your life and your business benefit.  

The podcast is hosted by Diego Footer - a work-at-home, home-schooling dad trying to run a growing business and be the best teacher, father, and husband he can be.  Not always perfect, but always trying.


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