F&O with Yavisth Podcast

F&O with Yavisth

Yavisth Makkar
Do you know your country? Umm, not really I guess. F&O is a series in which we will discuss about our country, and will know some interesting facts and important teachings too. Every episode will release on Tuesday and Saturday.
The Three Pillars
The three pillars of democracy; Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, No I'm not talking about this. The pree of sustainable development? No. The three pillars of INC? No. In this episode of F&O with Yavisth, I will be talking about the three pillars of a Active Society that are Protest, Propogandas and Politics? What are they? Listen to me from start to end to know everything.
May 8, 2021
7 min
When we will be able to eradicate Covid-19?
Covid-19, We all know what is this. We all know when it started. We all know that vaccine is there. We all know second wave of Covid is going on in India. But what we don't know is that when it's going to be end, I mean when we will be able to eradicate this Covid-19. In this episode of F&O, I've discussed all this with taking the example of Polio. Listen to me from the start to end to know everything.
May 4, 2021
8 min
Dictators & Anti-nationalists
Since January 2021, Anti Putin protests are going on in Russia and the world is talking about two personalities i.e. Alexei Navalny and Vladimir Putin. Who are they? And what I'm depicting by the title? Under my opinion, Who's a dictator and who's a anti-nationalist? In this episode of F&O with Yavisth, I've answered all these questions. Listen to me from the start to the end to get to know every fact and opinion of mine.
Apr 27, 2021
9 min
PrithviRaj Chauhan - The Best Warrior?
Whenever we hear about rajputs, we often talk about Maharana Pratap but we forgot one great leader everytime i.e. PrithviRaj Chauhan. In this episode of F&O, I"ll be discussing about the braveness of PrithviRaj Chauhan, how he defeated Gauri several times, how he was so fond of his motherland and learnings from him.
Apr 20, 2021
9 min
Why West Bengal Elections, 2021 are the most historic elections ever?
Elections are taking place in most of the states in our country. In this episode of F&O, I've discussed about West Bengal Elections, 2021. According to me, This Elections in West Bengal are the most historic elections ever. But what makes them historic? Why should we know them? Listen to this episode from start to end to know everything. Do write your opinions in the comment section below, Thank you!
Apr 17, 2021
10 min
Dr. BR Ambedkar and Dalits
Caste system, a major flaw in our Indian History, How this was originated? How was caste system divided? Why are Dalits in the end? Who were Dalits? BR Ambedkar, MESSIAH of Dalits, Really? His achievements? In this episode of F&O, I have answered all these questions and majorly talked about BR Ambedkar as today is his Jayanti, Listen to the episode from start to end to know more about this.
Apr 14, 2021
11 min
Chanakya? Who is he?
Chanakya, A priest, teacher, jurist, political leader, a great thinker and many more. Today, in this episode of F&O with Yavisth, I"ll be talking about Chanakya, his learnings and what makes him so special. Also, about the formation of AKHAND BHARAT, the rivarlies between Dhanananda, Seleucus & Alexander.
Apr 6, 2021
9 min
Early life & The first human civilization
Human's life is divided into many ages like the stone age and the bronze age, What actually happened in which time period? Besides this, How did first Human Civilization took place? Basically, What happened? In this episode of F&O with Yavisth, I have answered many question related to early life of humans and the first civilization which was the Indus Valley Civilization.
Apr 3, 2021
7 min
People and Religion
India is a country with many, many and many Religions. One Religion mainly unite us with each other but what if it divide us? In this episode of F&O with Yavisth, I have discussed about the importance of a Religion in one Country, The problems and The teachings one religion gives us.
Mar 30, 2021
6 min
F&O with Yavisth | Trailer
Do you even know your country? I guess not really. So, I Yavisth Makkar launching a new series for ya"ll... "F & O with Yavisth". In this series of 30 episodes, of I will be talking about 30 important things related to our country. Stay tuned, first episode releasing on 30th March. All the episodes will be available on my every social media platform. Do share, Thank you.
Mar 28, 2021
1 min