Rev. Vic Bernales is the pastor of Davao Covenant Reformed Church in Davao City, Philippines. He was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family. He got converted to evangelical Christianity while in college in 1987. He was involved as a student-leader with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship - Philippines (IVCF - Phils.) while in college. He also served as staff member of IVCF - Phils. for five years (1992-1997).
Rev. Bernales earned his Master of Divinity at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana, USA in 2008. After his seminary training, he returned to the Philippines and helped found a Reformed church and a Reformed denomination, the Pearl of the Orient Covenant Reformed Church. In addition to preaching and leading worship services, Rev. Bernales has been busy leading weekly home Bible studies as well as Sunday school classes. He also writes blog articles for the South-East Asia Network for the Gospel.
Rev. Bernales also helps in training pastors and church officers in their denomination. He also coordinates the work of the Heidelberg Theological Seminary (based in South Dakota, USA) in the Philippines in providing seminary training for those who are interested in serving the churches in the country.
Currently he is earning units for his Doctor of Ministry degree at Heidelberg Theological Seminary.
Pastor Vic has also been involved in a local Christian radio station that also broadcasts through the internet. He and his co-host do a Bible study on air. Vic and his wife, Cathy, have four children - Yuri, Ysha, Roi, and Seth.
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#FaithLibraryPH #FaithLibraryPodcast
Apr 23, 2021
57 min

Pastor Franco is a slave of Christ. He is married to Pau and a father to CJ. Pastor Franco serves at iDISCIPLE Philippines and is currently the Pastor of Discipleship at International Baptist Church of Manila.
Follow Ptr. Franco's ministries: (You can register/inquire here for upcoming Webinars and Conferences!)
iDISCPLE Philippines: https://web.facebook.com/iDISCIPLEph
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Website: http://expositorsacademy.org/
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#FaithLibraryPH #FaithLibraryPodcast
Apr 22, 2021
40 min

Faith Library Podcast | GUEST: Reverend Dr. Rowland Ward
TOPIC: "Westminster Confession of Faith"
Born in Melbourne, Dr. Rowland Ward was in the business world for ten years, latterly as a Senior Account Executive with Marsh, the International Insurance Brokers. He studied for the ministry at the Free Church of Scotland College (now Edinburgh Theological Seminary) 1972-75 and has served as a parish minister for 40 years with the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia (a small strict subscription denomination) mostly in Melbourne until retirement in 2012. He continues to preach most weeks and is Research and Church History Lecturer at the Presbyterian Theological College in Melbourne. He is married to Anna and they have 5 adult children and 9 grandchildren.
Follow Rev. Dr. Ward's ministries:
Website: https://rowlandward.net/
Follow us on our Social Media Accounts:
*Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/FaithLibrary...
*YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTqs...
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*Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast.. .
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#FaithLibraryPH #FaithLibraryPodcast
Apr 21, 2021
55 min

Faith Library Podcast | GUEST: Joel Settecase
TOPIC: "God, Evil & Suffering"
Joel Settecase is a Partnering Church Catalyst with Cru Church Movements in Chicago. Since 2019, Joel has been the founder and lead teacher of the Think Institute. Joel is a former pastor and has worked in the fields of Christian education, evangelism, leadership and apologetics since 2009. Joel earned his bachelor's in History at Grove City College, PA and his master’s in Philosophy of Religion at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, IL. He is the author of Catakids—the New Covenant Catechism for Little Ones and the host of the Think Podcast.
Follow Joel's ministries:
Think Institute: https://web.facebook.com/thethinkinst...
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Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast...
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#FaithLibraryPH #FaithLibraryPodcast
Apr 21, 2021
1 hr 16 min

Faith Library Podcast | GUEST: Ptr. Conley Owens
TOPIC: "The True Church"
Conley Owens is a Pastor at Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church and he graduated with a degree of Divinity (academic discipline) at The North American Reformed Seminary.
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Enjoy our episode and God Bless!
Apr 21, 2021
26 min

Faith Library Podcast | GUEST: Ptr. Joshua Gurango
TOPIC: "An Introduction to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith"
Joshua Gurango is the Head Pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Melbourne, Australia and he is the host of Common Theology.
Follow and Subscribe to Pastor Joshua's ministries:
Common Theology: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA9SIZ6h8R9iGYLJDkk-C_w
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*Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/FaithLibrary...
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*Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast...
Enjoy our episode and God Bless!
Apr 21, 2021
41 min

Faith Library Podcast | GUEST: Jordan Ravanes
TOPIC: "Defending The Faith Faithfully"
We're blessed to be joined by Bro. Jordan Ravanes as our guest! Bro. Jordan is the host of The Christian Worldview Project. The ministry "Operates on the basis of the authority of the Scriptures alone. It exists to glorify God alone in the name of Christ alone."
Follow them on their Social Media Accounts!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpxo...
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/thechristian...
Follow us on our Social Media Accounts: *Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/FaithLibrary...
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*Spotify: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTqs...
*Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast...
Enjoy our episode and God Bless!
#FaithLibraryPH #FaithLibraryPodcast
Apr 21, 2021
1 hr 1 min

Faith Library Podcast | GUEST: Ptr. Dennis Roquino
TOPIC: "Youths Saturated with Scripture"
Ptr. Dennis is a lecturer and a pastor. We talked about on the youth being observant and saturated in Scripture.
Follow us on our Social Media accounts:
*Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/FaithLibrary...
*YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTqs...
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*Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast...
Enjoy our episode and God Bless! #FaithLibraryPH #FaithLibraryPodcast
Apr 21, 2021
37 min

Because of the quarantine, we cannot see eye to eye. How can the church respond to this and how online instruments can help the church? Find out im this episode.
Mar 21, 2020
34 min

In line with the COVID-19 pandemic, how can we respond to it? Do we respond with Faith or with Fear? Find out this eposide. Enjoy!
Mar 17, 2020
35 min
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