Sometimes it's worth a pause to ask ourselves, "What's this going to cost, and am I willing to pay it?"
If not, no sweat, move on with the understanding that you recognized what it was going to take, and weren't willing to pay the cost for it right now.
If so, move on with the understanding that you knew what you were getting into, and decided that you were willing to pay the cost.
Either way, I'm pulling for you.
Jun 13, 2023
5 min
Let go of needing to know exactly how you'll get there when you are dreaming, or wanting to know which action will finally lead to the big breakthrough you've been hoping for. Just keep pecking away. Commit to your actions and keep a focus on the big picture. You never know...
I'm pulling for you,
May 24, 2023
3 min
A great question to gain clarity, let go of things we can't change, and take accountability.
I'm pulling for you,
May 22, 2023
5 min
Sometimes, we can get so caught up in finding just the right place to put the bar, that we do nothing at all, other than spend time searching for the perfect spot. Sometimes, we just need to set the bar and get going. We can always adjust it later.
I'm pulling for you,
May 16, 2023
3 min
No matter what you are doing, I encourage you to make sure you honor the commitment. As a service provider, coach, trainer, consultant, etc., we have a responsibility to honor the commitment.
I'm pulling for you.
May 8, 2023
7 min
It's easy to get caught up in wanting everything, to check off every box on our wish list, or have everything just so. What often happens, is because we can't have everything, we don't take any action, and we end up with nothing.
I'm pulling for you,
May 5, 2023
4 min
How do you define authenticity? My encouragement is that it is based on living out your values and beliefs, and being consistent in our speech, behavior, and posture, regardless of the circumstances. It is about internal influence over external influence.
I'm pulling for you,
Apr 25, 2023
6 min
Encouraging you (and me) to lead through character. It's the best policy.
I'm pulling for you,
Apr 20, 2023
4 min
Mondays don't have to be treated with such disdain. They don't have to stink.
What if you decided to look at Mondays differently?
I'm pulling for you,
Apr 18, 2023
5 min
It used to be amazing, what if it could be again?
I'm pulling for you,
Apr 13, 2023
5 min
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