Exploration Task 5 Podcast

Exploration Task 5

emma simpson
There is one day in sixth grade that I still remember to this day. My mom had thought that my dad was picking me up from school, and my dad thought my mom was. Needless to say, I ended up being left at school after all of the other students went home. Once the teachers realized, I was brought to the principal’s office to wait there while they called my parents to come pick me up. This was my first time in the principal’s office and I was so nervous. I had only ever associated it with being in trouble. However, my principal at the time sat down with me and explained that my parents were on th
Critical Retrospective Podcast
Analyzing the connection between trauma and absenteeism in high school students
May 11, 2020
4 min
Exploration Tisk 8
One moment in my field experience this semester was during one of the labs my host teacher was performing. One of the students that was always quieter was sitting in the back of the room not participating whatsoever and was just sitting slumped in his chair. I walked over to him and asked him if he understood the lab. Without making eye contact with me he said yes but proceeded to sit there without doing anything. I took this opportunity to try and get closer with him. I asked if he would be ok with me being his lab partner.  He agreed and I sat down next to him and we started going through each question or activity one by one. To my surprise, as we continued through the lab together, he started getting much more interested and curious about what we were doing. He started getting friendlier and by the end of the  class period he  thanked me  for checking in on him and said that he was having a bad day but that made it a little bit better. The rest of the day I couldn’t help but feel so blessed to have experienced that moment with that student and make the connection that I did. For the remainder of field, he would go out of his way to say hi to me and ask how my day was going. That is something that I will never forget.
Apr 24, 2020
1 min
Exploration Task 5
There is one day in sixth grade that I still remember to this day. My mom had thought that my dad was picking me up from school, and my dad thought my mom was. Needless to say, I ended up being left at school after all of the other students went home. Once the teachers realized, I was brought to the principal’s office to wait there while they called my parents to come pick me up. This was my first time in the principal’s office and I was so nervous. I  had only ever associated it with being in trouble. However, my principal at the time sat down with me and explained that my parents  were on the way and that they would be there soon and I wasn’t in trouble. He said that to occupy the time,  he would make a Cartesian Diver with me. For those who don’t know, it’s basically a bottle that has a diver inside that when you squeeze it, it sinks and when you release the bottle, it floats. We made those in his office for 20 minutes until my parents showed up. He let me take it home and I kept that bottle on my shelf in my room for years. I was so happy to have had that experience and I thought that having a new friendship with the principal was so cool.
Apr 3, 2020
2 min